the "have you ever" game

Nick Atack said:
......umm......:shifty: I dont know........

Have you ever felt that......:scared: someone is watching you?:)lol: I'm not referring to you,ssbbking)

yes every night when i play resident evil four alone in the dark in the game room

have you ever kissed someone(a-like-like one)
Swiss Fox said:
Have you ever broken up with someone over the phone.

NA- the girls i go out with want to say it in a big group of poepl at school...

have u ever got into a fight?
Yes loads of times but over irrational things, i always win.:lol:
Have you ever accidently seriously hurt someone like trapping their finger in a door.
yes its happened to me and ive accidentally done it to others
have you evergone to jail before you were even 5?
no-- my sister did it to me when i was 4. and blood was blushing out anhd my mom was screaming while i was laughing. and now my index finger is 2nches smaller than the others b/c they said that finger will never grow back. wel;l atleast they sewed it back together.hurt like crud though. have you ever thought about clicking the report button on ion's(the creator of this site) and put he was never here.
Yes, I threw a rock at a bird... it just sat there...for awhile.
Have you ever ridden a skateboard down a pitch black hill half drunk?
Deanis said:
Yes, I threw a rock at a bird... it just sat there...for awhile.
Have you ever ridden a skateboard down a pitch black hill half drunk?

no-have u ever flicked someone off and they got pissed?
Have you ever found a lizard's tail inside your brother's shoe? (It happen to me lol, thx to my cat)
I'm Asian, I tend towards Ninja instinctively.

Unless you mean illegal music. Then still no, I ninja my Ayumi.

Did you ever cry at someone telling you to shut up? XD

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