the "have you ever" game

LevesqueIsKing said:
shh, it was only that once...

Have you ever listened to screamo and liked it?

dude that was the itunes free single of the week once.
have u ever arsed yourself?
hiJAK said:
dude that was the itunes free single of the week once
Dude,Answer and post a Question next time!!!!!!!!

Have you ever [STRIKE]eaten a Whiskabonk?[/STRIKE] had a Girlfriend or Boyfriend? ( Dang I dont have a Girlfriend yet....)

Brawny said:
You're only 13...and still quite annoying...
Ahem??? Question Please???? THAT the Question?
......:wtf: kinda....I know you were directing that at me,Brawny.......
Have you ever been in Public in your Underwhere???
Have you guys ever had a cup of STFU with a side order of ask a real question?
Guess not.

Have you ever chucked your cell phone at a tree?
Of course not.

Have you ever modeled a MEMS gyro using ansys and tried to figure out how to have it calculate resonant frequency?

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