the "have you ever" game

powerpc127 said:, I guess not. All the games I bought, I like. Gifts and stuff were average.

Ever wanted a game to be on your fav console but it wasn't?
Edit: arrgghh.... @gymnast no. are they worth it?

Yeah I remember being disappointed when the final fantasy series went from nintendo to playstation.

Have you ever done anything illegal? (Tell us a story if so!)

@gymnast, yeah I never bought some. I was tempted many times, glad I waited for nintendo come out with some.
Nope, I think I had a C once in high school, that was a sad day.

Do you still use the Everybody Votes channel?
Yes, I write memos whenever I buy a game so I know when I bought things and if I'm spending too much.

I've also sent messages to people, but that was mostly when I just got my wii and was playing with its functions.

Have you ever eaten fries and a frosty or fries with ice cream?
Nope. I kind of disappeared from the console gaming world after the N64. The Wii pulled me back in as it did for a lot of people.

Have you ever been in a car accident?
yeah. 60 mph head on collision (so 120 mph added with their speed). Not fun. Broke my leg and collarbone and had a crazy black eye for a while because I hit the seat in front of me.

Ever had your stomach emptied through a tube inserted through your nose?

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