the "have you ever" game

Actually, yes.

Have you ever gone back to see something you remember loving, and then realized that it just wasn't the same?
lol, not that I can recall.

Have you ever aspired to weigh 300+ pounds? :/
I had one of Les Stroud once, but it was still manly, don't worry. I think I also had a powerlifter as one once...not sure. And it is called Professional Wrestling, Adam.

Have you ever watched Professional Wrestling by choice?
ouch. I don't believe you, though. All males go through that faze at some point or another.

Have you ever watched reality tv by choice?
All the freaking time!
America's/Britain's/Australia's/Canada's Next Top Model!
Big Brother UK!
Project Runway/Project Catwalk!

Have you ever smacked a sibling upside the head?
No, I'd be so owned by corporeal punishment.

Have you ever gotten a college brochure with the word "pwned" on it?

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