the "have you ever" game

Multiple Orgasms Multiple Orgasms Multiple Orgasms Multiple Orgasms Multiple Orgasms Multiple Orgasms Multiple Orgasms Multiple Orgasms

Uhm, I don't think I am.

Wanted to hurt myself? I have hurt myself. Multiple times.

One reason I don't wana be a girl is because with my luck, i'll become a girl who was in the middle of child labor.
Celeste said:
Uh, yeah. Men have it so much easier. They don't bleed in an inconvenient place frequently, they don't get pregnant and subsequent stretchmarks, they don't get harassed by perverted horny people all the time, or deal with even a tiny fraction of the adult sexual assault.

Multiple orgasms take it all, as Leve pointed out. >_< I wish I was connected to my child in that way sometimes...

And no, I've never wanted to hurt myself.

Have you ever understood my thought process? (CAN ANYBODY HELP ME D:)
Dan.Skater said:
Unfortunately Yes.

Have you ever witnessed a Wii accident?

Yes. I and a freind was playing bowling and she smashed my poor cat in the teeth on her backswing! The cat was sitting ina chair behind her. I checked the cat's mouth to see if it was ok. Yes, no broken teeth, his lip was buised though..

Have you ever dreamed about playing the wii?
LevesqueIsKing said:
Yes, although only with clothes on :(

Have you ever loved a person that you couldn't be with?

Yes and it's HORRIBLE!

Have you ever hurt youself playing wii?
Well once my mom walked in on me and I pulled the zipper up too quick and o--

Oh, that kind of wii. Nope.

Have you ever been on a double date?
if bring your brother counts then yes

have you every worked more than 10hours?
Edit: damniiiit... A day? Of course...

HAHAHAHAH, my dreams OWN that.

No, because I can do that when I want.

Have you ever dreamt of your future kids? Because I so haven't.
No, have never fought [surprisingly?]

Have you ever ditched a guy for a girl?
have you ever been dacksed (goten ur pants riped down) at school or in a public place?
hahaha no luckly, lol *that is was i think isnt it..:lol: *
have you ever thrown up on someone

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