the "have you ever" game

Yep. There tends to be at least one point in everyone's life where you're quite literally blind with rage.

Have ya ever gotten a fever of a temperature high enough to of potentially (but obviously not) killed you?

Have you ever fallen from a high place?

Bungie jumping, skydiving, cliff diving, repel training in basic training. Nope, never done it.

Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Yepp. We were tryin to catch shark, and ended up hooking a 500 pound Jew fish... That ago hurt my back man, lemme tell u.

Have you ever noticed that the spiderman movie themes sound strangely similar to the original batman theme?
YES! That is so true! Nothing like the recycling of success in the movie business!

Have you ever pee'd your pants from laughing too hard?
No. A faithless dog of a man, I am not.

Have ya ever worked any job with food, 'n intentionally soiled (i.e. spit in) a customer's food?
Aye, more then enough times to keep track. Nerdy like that, last one infact was last weekend on Killing Floor.

Have you ever woke up multiple times in the night for no reason?

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