The future - what's next?

maybe it will be a hybrid of motion controls, and normal controls? like, some games have the option, or some are just motion while some arent? it would be a smart move to do that. somethign for everybody, and of course all your cool extras like the web browser, HD DVD (or blu-ray, whichever wins the format war) etc.
Online play will expand of course hopefully with permanent communities that exist in the Wii world as well as in the games. Mii world where you can congregate and explore. Imagine little villages centered around multiplayer games like metroid prime 4. Outside the game everyone could discuss it, watch little videos of recorded gameplay, and check out what people are doing with the game. People could leave their mark somehow in the game village through structures, artwork or even user-created mini-games.

I could spend hours 'walking' around checking out games that I've never played before. Maybe some demos would be available but you could judge the game a little by the type of crowd it draws and the amount of user created paraphernalia existed. Wouldn't it be fun to walk up to 'video walls' of game play for games you weren't sure you would like?

Like the other consoles the processing power must increase but I'm not talking about graphics. AI, physics and ??? processing will expand as game 'worlds' become more complex. So much time is spent working on environments that it's really a shame to waste that on relatively simplistic kill routines.

The controller system will definitely continue but with a lot of tweaking. I imagine ankle devices and maybe even lightweight motion sensing outer ear pieces to partially replace the pointer by checking head position. I'm sure Nintendo is studying the way that disabled people are added by technology.
The next system Nintendo works on will support VC and carry over our VC accounts. That was the only thing Nintendo mentioned on their next system. The rest is a mystery. It will probably be as powerful as the PS3, because by that time that technology will be dirt cheap.
I think its safe to say the graphics will be a big improvement for sure.
I see them sticking with the motion control, and being a lot bigger than the Wii was. Really though its hard to say and make predictions, because honestly after the Gamecube, I was not expecting their next console to be what the Wii is now.

However, I feel that within 2 years, there will be a Wii 2, or something that is simply an upgrade, one with DVD, and ultimately has a drive, not just limited memory.
Keep in mind that the wii is simply a proto-type. You can preach all you want about the wii being amazing, but Nintendo is only using it to test out its next system. Yeah its sold a lot, yeah its become a worldwide phenomenon, but guess what? All they are doing is setting the groundwork for the real deal. Ninty had gotten far away from the media with the N64 and GC, but now with the wii, the name nintendo is back out there. You can count on countless soccer mom's and grandparents buying their next console solely on whether or not it says 'nintendo' on the box.

Its hard to say where Nintendo will go from here because there are so many options. They could go with the classic helmet that is portrayed in virtually every attempt to skepticize about a virtual gaming experience, or perhaps they'll go with motion sensers that you stick all over your body, portaying your movements on screen. Who knows, maybe we'll still have a controller next gen.

However, I do expect Nintendo to be on par with (for the sake of discussion) the PS4 and XB 720 graphically. Seeing as they've done all the hard work already (in thinking up the wii and making it happen) I think this is a reasonable request. Can you even begin to imagine a wii with the XB360's graphics?

Next Gen is incredibly promising.
LevesqueIsKing said:
Keep in mind that the wii is simply a proto-type. You can preach all you want about the wii being amazing, but Nintendo is only using it to test out its next system. Yeah its sold a lot, yeah its become a worldwide phenomenon, but guess what? All they are doing is setting the groundwork for the real deal. Ninty had gotten far away from the media with the N64 and GC, but now with the wii, the name nintendo is back out there. You can count on countless soccer mom's and grandparents buying their next console solely on whether or not it says 'nintendo' on the box.

Its hard to say where Nintendo will go from here because there are so many options. They could go with the classic helmet that is portrayed in virtually every attempt to skepticize about a virtual gaming experience, or perhaps they'll go with motion sensers that you stick all over your body, portaying your movements on screen. Who knows, maybe we'll still have a controller next gen.

However, I do expect Nintendo to be on par with (for the sake of discussion) the PS4 and XB 720 graphically. Seeing as they've done all the hard work already (in thinking up the wii and making it happen) I think this is a reasonable request. Can you even begin to imagine a wii with the XB360's graphics?

Next Gen is incredibly promising.

True say, I never thought of it like that, it being a prototype.
I also second the notion of people (non-gamers) buying the next system solely based on it having Nintendo on the box.

And yes next gen is incredibly promising.
It's not a prototype. The Wii is absolutely not a prototype. Nintendo's philosophy is to build a gaming system that is fun, affordable and profitable. That cannot be said of the other two consoles. The other consoles are trying to create a system that is compelling, i.e. a must have system.

Nintendo will not try to compete with these other systems on graphical power or processing power because it strains the costs of production too much. I think that's the lesson they have learned. They know they do have to have something truly fun to add.
I think the next console will not be any huge shock like the wii was. It will essentially be Wii v2.0
It will have built in bluray (or a longshot HDDVD)and so be in high definition. Will possibly be controlled by controllers very similar to those we have now, but improved. For example, make the wiimote actually the shape to fit a grasping hand and not just the shape of a standard remote.
Expanded motion sensing features such as things for your feet as well as hands etc. Possibly a camera system which tracks the movement of your body and imposes that directly into the game.
It will have a massive onboard HD.
Backwards compatible to wii and gc.
Be centred around the idea of a virtual world where you (your character) lives. (A bit like the sony home thing) and you challenge people to games there.
Basically, the future for nintendo will be to continue further down this brilliant direction they have taken with the Wii v1.0.
i believe that something like the nintendo on in f1982 video will probably see the day within 15 to 20 years like in 2 to 3 gens.
CantGetAWii said:
I think its safe to say the graphics will be a big improvement for sure.
I see them sticking with the motion control, and being a lot bigger than the Wii was. Really though its hard to say and make predictions, because honestly after the Gamecube, I was not expecting their next console to be what the Wii is now.

However, I feel that within 2 years, there will be a Wii 2, or something that is simply an upgrade, one with DVD, and ultimately has a drive, not just limited memory.
I hope not, I hated it when they released the DS Lite and I had just bought a normal DS.

I hope they make a usb hard-drive for it, or something, and about dvd, I don't really care about it, that's why I have my dvd player next to my Wii.
The current +production+ hardware - the WII - is absolutely not a prototype using the formal definition of the word (I used it several times just today - the word, not the WII :D ).

That would imply any current gen is a prototype for the as yet undefined next gen. If we want to use this "loose" interpretation, then OK, the WII, PS3 and X360 are all prototypes for the WII/2, etc.

I'm convinced Nintendo did a cost/value/performance assessment and determined a good price point for the hardware, knowing their brand equity, motion controls and key titles like the Mario franchise would work to their favor. Guess what? They were right.

Their key titles didn't need as strong of graphic performance as a "real world" FPS like Halo does, and consequently, didn't need the higher cost hardware. (If I were big into sport sims or FPS - especially the historical genre - I'd buy a X360 or PS3).

I think the problem Nintendo will run into, is that they can only support so many Mario games and they'll eventually have to capitalize on other markets like FPS, Sports, Racing, etc. In those areas they're clearly less capable because as simulations they sell based on incrementally improving visuals.

I'm positive the motion sensor concept is here to stay - the WII's implementation is outstanding conceptually, but could use improvement on the response speed, and spacial accuracy. Having it as a standard component out-of-the-box means a consistent development target (vs. something like the PS3 where it's sort of an "add on" for analog axis emulation).

If Nintendo wants to appeal to a broader demographic, they're going to want to play in the non-Mario space which means improved graphics. I don't even know if HDM is really needed - developers have a touch time filling a DVD(9) with good content. I'd say maybe standard DVD with an HD (at least 80GB), then they could install compressed content from the DVD and get effectively 2-3X the storage capacity.

OK, that's all the rambling for now...I've got to get back to working on our prototype for the DOJ :D
