The Final Fantasy 7,8 and 9 feeling lost in todays rpgs


Vlad's Son
Dec 24, 2006
Lajas, Puerto Rico
Wii Online Code
Who doesnt remember how we felt while playing those jewels?

It seems that that kind of gameplay is lost on today rpgs. The depth the distractions (like entering fort condor before following the main route or just playing in the golden saucer before following the story) The ton of secrets. The darklighted atmosphere that made those rpgs more adult like. It is all lost today since developers are just focusing on easy going trips with little depth, completly linear story, using too much cliches and even dumping the classic turned based system (cough FF12 cough) breaking the balance in the game mood (too dark or too light hearted) making rpgs a little more child like...I really hope that someday we return to these roots...
They were great games. But times change, I love the Zelda ones tho. :D (Twilight Princess)
I have to agree with you on that one. Although FF12 is good, If it was not for the fact that there are some Final Fantasy references in the game, then I would feel like I am playing a different game. FF 7 and 8 were the best 3D ones. 9 felt thrown together. If you want to talk about classic, FF 4 and 5 are truly representative of RPGs. I finished FF12 and sadly, I still do not care that much for any of the characters in the story. That's not indicative of a good FF IMHO.
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Indded FF12 is good but it just doesnt hook and make the player fall in love or hate with the characters like others did...I remember hating sephiroth with every once of my soul (for killing aeris) but he ended been one of my favorite villains and characters jejeje. Cloud was a cool dude too, Squall is the representation of my personality. You know these things just dont happen anymore...People just play to lv up and lv up and lv up get skills beat the bad guys the credits roll and the game passes to oblivion...
I thought the character development was pretty good in FF12. I don't think that classic turn based RPG's are gone forever, they shall rise again!
FF12 charater develpment was good, but it did miss that extra pinch of goodness that makes a FFgame a FF GAME. I fear that FFXIII may suffer the same fate despite the visuals.
Alucard_Aricado said:
Indded FF12 is good but it just doesnt hook and make the player fall in love or hate with the characters like others did...I remember hating sephiroth with every once of my soul (for killing aeris) but he ended been one of my favorite villains and characters jejeje. Cloud was a cool dude too, Squall is the representation of my personality. You know these things just dont happen anymore...People just play to lv up and lv up and lv up get skills beat the bad guys the credits roll and the game passes to oblivion...

I was wishing Sephiroth could be the main character. I never hated Sephiroth just wished somehow he would switch sides. Maybe make jenova the real villian.
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hehe nice idea but sephiroth is like the man opressed by his own truth. The shock was so much that he turned on everyone. No way he would turn back since his flesh and bone body is gone he is now an entitiy just like jenova is
In a strange way, FF7 is a story about Sephiroth and not really Cloud. Although he is tied to Sephiroth, he has no significant backstory. I don't like the way that Square is milking the storyline though.
While I liked the Final Fantasy games a lot, I have to admit I'm kind of glad they've ditched the turn-based combat. It's not terrible, but it gets repetitive and dull after a while, especially when you reach higher levels.

But yeah, those older Final Fantasy games were classics, especially VI and VII. Sephiroth is still one of the best villains ever, 'cos he's deeper than you're average villain. But Alucard's right, he couldn't have turned back to the side of good, it wouldn't have been believable (he summoned Meteor, after all).

As for VIII and IX- I've always thought IX was underrated, and VIII overrated. VIII was not bad, but junctioning was a stupid system and although the story was pretty good, I never really cared about the characters. IX was a nice little game, if a bit too clichéd for its own good.
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Why does developers think that the RPG style that reign supreme those days would hurt the sales?? I think the sales would get fatter if they return to their roots but games would take lost of time to be done and publishers are all about rushing games...This is dissapointing indeed FFVII took 4 years in the making, MSG took 4 years too...So good games take good time...but not for publishers

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