The END of XBOX'S!?


****** by Syntax
Dec 20, 2007
Banned by Syntax for no reason, all subscribed thr
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I was wondering, now that Bill Gates is retiring, will this mean the end of Microsoft Consoles in the near future?
Also does that mean now that he's leaving that "Microsoft Window's" will start to loose Market share, and we all get eaten up by "I CR*P'S" sorry, "I MAC'S"!
I hope not, i love windows way more than apple junk!
I'm just worried that Microsoft might start slacking when Billy leaves, and looking at how aggressively well Apple are doing the way they broke into the phone market and stuff, I'm getting worried, if i start my own Microsoft will you join me, Because i hate Apple especially unripened ones! I'll call it microcool or something.
I think if they start going into games just a little they won't stop!
It depends how the console war turns out, i personally think the ps3's gonna win, Because sooner or later they are game designer are gonna make the most of the ps3's potential power. That's how the ps2 started too, i remember many years ago, i saw the ps2 in a catalogue (Argos (UK)) for £300, and back then it was a lot, but £300 is worth a little less now cus of the housing boom stuff. But do you see the trait? As for Playstation i can't remember.
But despite my thoughts on the Console war, i will still always love my wii, unless Nintendo really pi**ed me off.

Can you picture the future without Windows? AAAAAAAAARRRGGGHHH, i can't!
AAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH, it's scarier than Mario's mustache!

Thx for reading, forgive any ignorance/offense none intended!
i dont think that they will stop to make microsoft consoles and windows
Coca-Cola has been doing fine without its founder for about 120 years now, I think Microsoft can survive Bill Gates' departure. He doesn't really do as much as you might think in company anyway.
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weeeeell, if you guys say so.
Do you think the firm will be operating competently after his departure then?
But i mean Billy's the most if not one of the most richest people on the planet, and he's leaving his founding firm to someone else, it all depends on who's taking over doesn't it? I mean the guy's gotta be on his toes ain't he, that's why just a little edgy, you know, AAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH, i just saw a bird do a dropping, it reminded me of Imacs!

Basically, I'm saying the firms only gonnna run as good as the people who run it, but now bill's out.

Please isn't anyone as concerned as i am?
I don't own an Xbox, but bill's played a pivitol role in the way we do thing's, i mean he started Microsoft!
He's a buzzing smart entrepreneur, you guys think his employee's could live upto the challenge?
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Of course it'll carry on. I doubt he had much contribution to the games anyway, he just started the company.
I'm surprised he waited this long to retire.

You have to admire his conviction. There are very few people I know who would keep working even when they are worth over $50,000,000,000
Singhson said:
weeeeell, if you guys say so.
Do you think the firm will be operating competently after his departure then?
But i mean Billy's the most if not one of the most richest people on the planet, and he's leaving his founding firm to someone else, it all depends on who's taking over doesn't it?

Gates hasn't been the CEO of Microsoft in many years now and has had little to do with the day to day running of the company for awhile. Nothing significant will change after he leaves, the people that are in charge right now will be the same people in charge after he leaves.
Colonel Sanders aint around anymore, I still buy their chicken.

Same goes for Dick and Mac McDonald, Jasper Newton "Jack" Daniel, a Mr Walt Disney.. oh yeah and even Fusajiro Yamauchi, founder of Nintendo

Believe it or not a company doesn't just stop when one guy retires. :thumbsup:
What are you getting so worked up about? He's still the major shareholder/head of the board. Even though he was at the top of the company he didn't work on everything. That's not humanly possible. When you have a company you hire others to do the stuff you don't have time for but I'm sure he approves stuff from other departments.
Napalmbrain said:
Coca-Cola has been doing fine without its founder for about 120 years now, I think Microsoft can survive Bill Gates' departure. He doesn't really do as much as you might think in company anyway.

Completely agreed. Bill Gates founded it and kept it in shape the real work happens by the employed.

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