The death of a WII

at least your going to get it back... don t waste aNother 250 on another wii said:
I agree with liquid, that wii did get pwned..

Isn't that OBVIOUS!?

What's the point of telling him this, save to rub it in?

He asked for help in getting it repaired or replaced; not to be made to feel even worse than he already does now.
1) I believe it was a girl, romj.

2) I would cry if one of my Nintendo consoles died. They last for a long time.

3) The HDTV will keep you occupied for the time being.

4)selling a new one on ebay will allow you to buy more games.
romj said:
Isn't that OBVIOUS!?

What's the point of telling him this, save to rub it in?

He asked for help in getting it repaired or replaced; not to be made to feel even worse than he already does now.
Jeez, relax, its just a game console. Mine broke two weeks after I bought it. Besides, it looks like everyone else is helping already.
Yep, my Wii bricked. I no mods or anything. It was caused by receiving a large file from an e-mail.

And no, no feelings were hurt.