The Complete Guide To Wiimote Problems

WiiMadness said:
2nd player.

i have 2 wiimotes. me and my friend were trying to play tennis, and her wiimote kept turning off and she was second player. i did all i could, i switched the batteries, switched her remote to first player, i did all i could. now heres the weird thing. i used that same remote to play a 1 player game and it worked fine. it never turned off on me. does anyone know how to stop this problem?

I am having the EXACT same problem. sometimes you can re-connect the 2nd wiimote ( hit the wii menu button, then wiimote settings).

I recently bought the wii-zapper and first noticed it with the zapper training game. did you also use this game? I think it might be a wii issue, not a wiimote issue, since it doesn't matter which remote I have as the #1 player. the 2nd one always has problems.
Best idea if your Wiimote flashes then shuts off is too unplug the wii console from the electric outlet for awhile then replug it all in and re-sync your motes.
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Help My Wiimote

Maybe someone else has run across this problem.

My wiimote is working for the most part. The A and B buttons, the 1 and 2 fine and even the finger will move around when I do. The only thing it has stopped doing is responding certain moves in games. For example, in tennis it won't serve or move to hit the ball. In Super Mario Galaxy, it won't shake to spin or to jump from galaxy to galaxy.

Can anyone help me?
Why is eveyone one having the same problem with their wii controllers, since I am having the same issue? Is this a way Nintendo can make more money from us? :shocked:

Are there any other fixes other than: powering off, re-sync the remotes, new batteries, turning off the console, swing the controller downward very hard (without slaming it on the floor) or crossing one fingers with one leg off the ground, hooping in a circle?

Future PS3 owner.
kzx7rrider said:
Why is eveyone one having the same problem with their wii controllers, since I am having the same issue? Is this a way Nintendo can make more money from us? :shocked:

Are there any other fixes other than: powering off, re-sync the remotes, new batteries, turning off the console, swing the controller downward very hard (without slaming it on the floor) or crossing one fingers with one leg off the ground, hooping in a circle?

Future PS3 owner.
the remote is rugged... they thought through the design for the nature of it's use. :) (swinging and such)

hit it to fix the accelometers...
it's not "everyone" it doesn't happen that often
I have a question, not really a 'problem,' per se. Is there any way to make my second Wii remote the 'A' remote without restarting the system?

Scenario: I play Guitar Hero III with one remote attached/inserted into the guitar, and now I want to switch to another game that uses the traditional Wii remote setup, and use my other Wii remote, without having to remove the Wii remote from the guitar (Since the Wii thinks that is controller 'A')

Hope I'm being clear...:yikes:
Still Wiimote problems

I found your tutorial, but I still seem to have a problem with my Wiimotes. I have re-synched them several times, unplugged, changed batteries, etc. but I still get no cursor when I start up my Wii. The home button works, and the + and -, but that's it. The really strange thing, when I plug it into my guitar, the guitar buttons work like the wiimote should...Any suggestions? Thanks!
How far from the Wii can I be and still use my wireless Wii Remote?
Nintendo claims the wireless range of the Wii Remote is 35 feet.

Are you serious? I'm having serious doubts if nintendo can back that claim.
my wiimote works ok at 10 feet (TV to the bed) but when my g/f and I started playing multiplayer we had to move the sensor bar down to stop the skipping pointers.

Someone should totally go mythbusters on this claim and see if nintendo lives up to its claim
My WiiMote works great @ 10ft. Past that it gets all staticy. I tried it @ 13ft and it was wothless.

josh85 said:
How far from the Wii can I be and still use my wireless Wii Remote?
Nintendo claims the wireless range of the Wii Remote is 35 feet.

Are you serious? I'm having serious doubts if nintendo can back that claim.
my wiimote works ok at 10 feet (TV to the bed) but when my g/f and I started playing multiplayer we had to move the sensor bar down to stop the skipping pointers.

Someone should totally go mythbusters on this claim and see if nintendo lives up to its claim
mithril said:
My WiiMote works great @ 10ft. Past that it gets all staticy. I tried it @ 13ft and it was wothless.

SEE!:mad5: I knew that was a poo poo claim we should hold nintendo over a barrel with this
I've tried all your problem solving methods and still can not sync either of my2 wiimotes. All I get is the 4 flashing lights and no sync. Even tried and changed the sensor bar. No help there. Any more ideas?