The Close-Up/Blur Game

Oh really sorry. I didn't really help much anyway.

All I could do really was sharpen and auto adjust colors.
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  • #902
It's all right. Lol.


>_< Keep guessing.. or do you all give up?
I'm determined to get this. But if a couple other people give up, go ahead and show us.
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  • #908
Oh, just a heads up WiiSkier, you should use the Edit button on the bottom right, of your post! :)

Awes, Wreked. Lol. Okay, ready guys? :)

The answer was, Sea Shells.
The original pic.. well, i forgot
where it is >_< whenever I find it.
I'll show you. Lol, anyway, break time.
Be back in two-three hours!
AHH! Everyone gave up before I got home ='(

Oh well...that was your best so far Steph, lasted almost 24 hours =D

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