The Close-Up/Blur Game

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  • #633
Haha, I was thinking about the 8 as well. But no, It is not an 8.
Lol, I guess this time, I made the pictures harder. :) Yay.
Anyway guys, try again..

Points Raised - 2

You guys have 2 hints left.

EDIT - Now you guys are guessing huh? Lol, YouTube logo? Lmao.
WiiChat Logo? hahah. xD I think that's a bit small.
Marioman said:
Its The Internet Explorer Logo!
lol I actually posted first, on the paste the last thing you copied thread, i posted before you, it was the first thing I thought of -.- WWL2P can I get the point? I posted first, look at the time difference even.
Marioman said:
Ya give it to Slimi if its the answer sorry man i couldn't resist
np, but man I can't beleive you guys didn't get that, it's been like what, 15 posts?
  • Thread Starter
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  • #640
Marioman said:
Its The Internet Explorer Logo!

Well done! xD You get two points! Yay!


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  • #642
Oh, Slimi.. you posted on the wrong thread?
All right, I'll give you two points >_< Should've
watched where you were posting. Lmao. It's all

- Marioman, you'll still get two points.
WiiWouldLike2Play said:
Oh, Slimi.. you posted on the wrong thread?
All right, I'll give you two points >_< Should've
watched where you were posting. Lmao. It's all

- Marioman, you'll still get two points.
Well, I never posted on this thread anymore because once you said that you wanted to like close this thread cuz you were to tired. Than I figured that it wasn't cuz you did that...And so I just put the answer there anytways.

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