The Canadian Wii Finder *Revived w/ a new title*

Hi--I live in Toronto and I'm trying to track down a Wii for Friday. Is this a crazy plan? Is it possible?

Apparently, EB got a shipment yesterday morning (about 15 minutes after I called and was told they had no idea when the Wiis were coming in) so I'm assuming they're all gone now and I'm out of luck for EB this week. I was also told TRU is getting some in on Saturday, but that's too late.

Any info? Inside tips? Advice for strategic maneuvering?
CALL EVERY STORE NEAR YA. That how i got my wii in tornoto, Mississauga.
I called Zellers right before it was closing time and asked if you will get any shipments tommorow. He said probably and about 75% will come and I said to my mom to go tommorow morning at 10 (opens at 8 but she doesnt wanna go early) So it was morning and i had to go to school. After that I had soccer AND b-ball pratice so i came home pretty late. When I came home..... My mom yelled and she said i got the wii. That was almost the best day of my life.
^hahahah nice! yeah ...uh rumor is futureshop on tuesday next week(well i work at futureshop now...i got the job! (in ipods and macs! whaoaa)anyways i asked the main video game head and he said our stores in london ontario get them tuesday!
A friend of mine just successfully ordered a Wii from Best Buy online using
It scans all of the Canadian stores where you can buy a Wii online (, Best Buy, Future Shop, Costco, The Source and Toy's R Us) for online stock every 30 seconds, and will give you an audible alert or email when stock is added online. You can also subscribe to an RSS feed. For those of you still trying to track one down, this site might help.