The Canadian Wii Finder *Revived w/ a new title*

Kwest I know how you feel I have been doing the same thing because I felt that employees are sick of hearing do you have the Wii in stock? Etc that I would just take my chances and wait for it to go on the shelves.
ummm yesterday an eb games at the kingsway mall in edmonton had about 20 but by the time my brother got a hold of me, a little old lady took the last one, he works in the mall so he'll get one next chance he gets
Toys R' Us in Vancouver are expecting a shipment of wii-motes and nunchuks to come in on Saturday January 20, 2007. It seems like the classic controllers are very easy to find.
Eb games in mississauga ontario, has shipments next tuesday or wednsday afternoon. The manger said. My mom is going there! Hope i get it....... Zellers said they will get shipments from this week to next week someday in the afternoon. Thats all i got for today.
this is the news I got today, bestbuy is going to have them in stock in the next 2-3 weeks for good. Just may be my area, which is Whitby but it may be for all of canada.
Toys R Us flyer (Toronto-Markham area) says that each store will have a minimum of 20 Wii consoles at each store available first thing Saturday morning. Good luck getting a Wii everybody!
hey guys
i called like non-stop i called bestbuy(in montreal) they said that they will have wiis tommorow(saturday) man i cant wait:smilewinkgrin: