The Canadian Wii Finder *Revived w/ a new title*

i have an extra wii that is looking for a new home.
brand new in box w/ factory seal and gift receipt from bby.
if you are in the toronto area and are willing to pick it up in markham give me a shout.
im going to try calling the places 2 times a day, once when i wake up, and once in the afternoon. Someone posted that earlier seems like a good idea besides going all the way to the stores
KDE said:
Hey b3rs3rk, I was the 7th people in the line waiting for wii, in Futureshop downtown Montreal. I had been desparate for wii for months, and now I finally got mine.

I would say I was pretty lucky this time. I passed by Futureshop downtown Montreal at 9:50 am during my short work break, seeing like 50-60 people waiting outside. I thought, "damn, I miss it again". But wth, I jumped into the line and waited. I had been waiting for hours in lines in front of BestBuy, EB Games etc. and got nothing. Now it wouldn't hurt much any more.

When the door open, I found out that a lot of other people were just waiting to enter the door, but NOT for wii. LUCKY!!! I was the 7th in the line for wii. And they said they had 10 (instead of 9, mentioned by b3rs3rk). In the mean time, a saleperson was anwering phone calls querying about wii. He did mention that they may get some on fridays and wednesdays.

Good luck to all you guys!

Man, I did'nt know all those people were in line only to get in the store!! Anyway, you're lucky! Congratulations... And I really thought there was only 9 wiis... Does'nt matter, we both have one now :)
Im hoping best buy will do the same thing they did last friday, if not i'll continue to call, aswell as visit each store.
Do all Walmarts receive their shipments via Purolator or some other type of parcel delivery service? My local Walmart (Renfrew, Ontario) as well as No Frills (Which has an electronics similar to Real Canadian Superstore, Loblaws etc.) receive them by Purolator around 11:30-12:00. I don't think they receive any by their regular truck shipments.
RyanD said:
Do all Walmarts receive their shipments via Purolator or some other type of parcel delivery service? My local Walmart (Renfrew, Ontario) as well as No Frills (Which has an electronics similar to Real Canadian Superstore, Loblaws etc.) receive them by Purolator around 11:30-12:00. I don't think they receive any by their regular truck shipments.
they all arrive buy parcel ecept form best buy they distribut them themselves
I heard walmarts get their shipment around 10:30am (this was a welland store) and the purolator truck only goes there once during the day.

Also, anyone have a strategy for me. Im screwed, I work Mon-Sat and get tuesdays off. Its ****, start at 8 off at 5:30? Anyone got any ideas?
IcedWolf said:
Also, anyone have a strategy for me. Im screwed, I work Mon-Sat and get tuesdays off. Its ****, start at 8 off at 5:30? Anyone got any ideas?

That kind of sucks. You might have to find a friend who is willing to check for Wii's in stock while you are at work. Otherwise, you may have to wait until they are more available than they currently are. I am sure, however, that there is a lot of people in the same situation as yourself. They may be able to give you some suggestions.
i live in hamilton ontario and as i was walking home i stopped off in eb games (in eastgate) to get the special edition zelda guide and they had 2 wiis i strolled over to walmart and sure enough 1 wii left so for those in hamilton near eastgate check back next week on wednesday
i go to a bunch of stores everyday and i can never get one. you just happen to be there and u find 3? crazy.

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