The Brawl Help Thread- For Help and Questions

LevesqueIsKing said:
Good work Shoko, and that was quick.

Anyone else annoyed that this section has an entire screen-worth of announcements and stickies?
Not really.

Nice thread, Shoko. I was thinking of making this thread, but had no time. Glad you did it.
Pantalaimn said:
I have just watched the 6 minutes of video of this title that was on IGN today and I have to say I am still not getting the point of this game. I do not see what is going to be fun about it at all. ( I am being serious here and not spamming or trying to anger or start a riot here) It simply appears to be mortal kombat meets nintendo characters all fighting in this blur of action and no one is winning or losing from what I can tell. Granted this video is in Japanese but the visuals are what I was going on.

I think I will not be getting this as I usually play alone Except for "Wii sports" and the online will just be me getting beaten everytime just like in MOHH2 where I have 1 win and 343 losses. People are pros at this before it even is released. Maybe worth a gamefly rental just to try out what the fuss is about so maybe I'll understand the point of it. Sorry to those who don't understand. Maybe I should have gotten a PS3 instead.

I can totally understand your thinking, I thought it was sort of pointless when I saw the first Smash Bros. game and then I joined in playing it, and just with playing a simple V.S. match with other people was enjoyable.

And it's different from Mortal Kombat or Virtua Fighter, Instead of having a health bar like you would in Mortal Kombat, you have a percentage bar, and you start out at 0% which is like a full heath meter, each hit you take you percentage goes up, and that causes you to get knocked back further when the percentage goes up, and when you get about 100 % you will get hit far enough to get knocked back out of the screens view and when you can't see you character on the screen it dies/loses. So you don't technically die on the spot because even if you get knocked back out of the screens view you can jump back in view and continue to fight.

And that also makes the match last a lot longer instead of playing a two minute match.

And it's also differnet from Mortal Kombat in another way, Mortal Kombat is kind of stiff, to say more clearly, in MK you can't jump and climb up platforms and avoid attacks. In Smash Bros. almost every stage theres comfortable space throughout the stage. Plus SB characters can get around alot quicker, agiler, ect.

Another way it's differnet from MK is that in SB you have four different special moves, normal attacks in any directions, four different taunts (as crazy as that seems), melee weapons and items such as swords, bombs, laser guns, ect.

With all the new modes in Brawl theres much to do, Single player: Adventure/Subspace mode, Multiplayer: Adventure/Subspace mode, Classic mode, Trophies to collect (plus you can place the trophies you've collected on a designed platform and take pictures of them and send to Wii friends), Stage Builder, Wifi with anyone, Wifi with Friends, Stickers to collect and place them all over a scrap book (and Stickers have special powers and effects on characters when you use them in Adventure/Subspace mode), Target test mode, Target test multiplayer, Home run contest, Home Run contest multiplayer, V.S. Mode with friends, V.S. mode with friends over wifi, Single player V.S. with computers, ect.

As others have stated, check the dojo's game modes, and also check the how to play section too... check everything on the dojo for that matter. :lol:
Thanks JLU51396 For that analysis and post... That does help alot. But what about the inexperienced brawler...? Do they stand a chance vs. pro players who school'd the previous version and are already touting their prowess??
Pantalaimn said:
Thanks JLU51396 For that analysis and post... That does help alot. But what about the inexperienced brawler...? Do they stand a chance vs. pro players who school'd the previous version and are already touting their prowess??
Well becoming pretty good at smash bros doesnt take a lot of time. Its pretty simple if you ask me. And with new things brought to the table in brawl..will make a challenge for even the pros. I think you'd catch on how to play it pretty fast once you get the I'd say you can easily keep up with a pro from the previous smash bros melee
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Pantalaimn said:
Thanks JLU51396 For that analysis and post... That does help alot. But what about the inexperienced brawler...? Do they stand a chance vs. pro players who school'd the previous version and are already touting their prowess??
Just train on computers and complete the event matches. You'll be up there with the good players in no time, but not the pros. You have to play smash for many years to become a real pro.

@Nic7: I forgot to change it. thx for remindin me.
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Well, not only do you have to had played for years, but you also have to beat EVERYTHING, including the last event match and all of the All-star matches. You also have to be able to beat 3 lvl 9 computers at the same time with no friendly fire on. That's what I say is required to be a real pro.
Yes, except for the fact that playing against computers does not develop and/or prove skill. If you learn playing against computers, then they will be all you can beat. You can't mindgame a computer.
To add to Shoko's description, you should also be able to master moves like Wave Dashing, Spiking, L-Canceling, etc. Prez is also right. Beating computers means next to nothing when you face real players that are solid as rocks.
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^Of cours ehe can. He can MURDER Prince without ahrdly any effort whatsoever
ok we'll see

I have another what the chance of marth being in
Prince726 said:
ok we'll see

I have another what the chance of marth being in
There is speculation of him not returning, as him and Roy were referred to as Ike's "Predecessors" in a translation of a Japanese scan.
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  • #45
^ Ah, I never heard of that. I liked Marth and Roy but I wouldn't die if they weren't in. Ike has Counter and some similar moves anyways so he's a valid replacement for me. I don't need 5 different sword characters anyway.

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