The Brawl Help Thread- For Help and Questions

Youngblood said:
ok i gotta ? i know there isnt a way to play with a partner vs anyone and only with FC...BUT can u play 2v2 with FC. Meaning 2 ppl on one Wii vs 2 other peeps on another Wii?

yeah, I did it last weekend.:yesnod:

You and your partner have to choose the same color, and your adversaries must choose another color(same as each other).

So, you pretty much have to contact them or leave directions in your brawl comment on what color you are, and what color you want them to be.
what's the deal with marth's final smash?
like... i see when he hits people, this little meter comes up with little yellow squares... what's that for? :S
_G_ said:
what's the deal with marth's final smash?
like... i see when he hits people, this little meter comes up with little yellow squares... what's that for? :S

It's just a little effect. It's like a critical hit in the Fire Emblem games.
VidyaVince said:
It's just a little effect. It's like a critical hit in the Fire Emblem games.

Hrmm... never played Fire Emblem, but right on... thx
Great Maze

In the great maze what does the flashing bowser heads mean? Ive been searching everywhere ansd have yet to find an answer
rayne2k5 said:
In the great maze what does the flashing bowser heads mean? Ive been searching everywhere ansd have yet to find an answer

means there's a battle there
All of the challenges with playing on a certain stage, or with a certain character, in however many brawls counts if you're doing matches against a CPU, right?
Yes, the great maze is the last level. However, if a stage has a flag on top of it, it means you missed some item boxes there. If you want to get 100% in adventure mode, you have to collect every item box on every stage. Some of them are pretty tough to find too, so good luck if you want to get 100%. I did, but I had a strategy guide, which makes it easier. :smilewinkgrin:
With kirby, once you use the b-move, how do you take the person's powers that are in you?
You hold down to swallow them and take their powers, or you press A to spit them out without taking their powers.
Hello every one of WiiChat!
I havent been on this site for some time now, Ive notised some things have changed since i was last in here.
And I cant seem to find the spot to post my SSBB friend code, could some one please help me out.

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