The Black Wii

a see through wii is practically a given way somewhere down the line when the wii isn't selling so well, i had a see thru xbox (which was a waste of money cos through the see through plastic all you could see was a metal box housing all the electronics lol) but imo see thru consoles are ugly 99% of the time.
domain freek said:
the black one would be better because the white one will get dirty realy fast!

where do you plan on playing your wii man? in your garden? and for the record i can't say im too fussed on what colour my wii is, i dont spend long looking at it im more concerned about the games! and i have to the say im a big fan of the standard white console, it looks very sleek & modern... blue & black are nice though...
found this:
sorry if it's old
a prototype but it looks decent.

and regarding the very first picture of the guy playing the black wii, how do you know the console is black? he could have just bought the black controllers or even painted the white ones???
but i really dont care what colour wii i get, just as long as i get one! maybe a red and black wii-mote/nunchuck combo would look sweet:crazy:
I think that might be a devs Wii. Notice the guy is wearing a Call of Duty 3 shirt? He might be from activion, playing on a dev console.
I honestly think Nintendo should have kept it black like the Revolution prototype. Its really sleek looking and it just stands out more than the white one. It would also be pretty cool if the black one came with a red led light for the disk an evil alter ego wii??:devil:
Meh, I really don't care about colors too much to warrant waiting months to a year for more colors to come out. And I have a white DS that i chose to buy when black ones were available too.. So I prefer white over black simply because it looks cleaner and it'll match my DS.
i totally agree with you, i mean gameplay and fun factor are all i care about. i would probably still get the wii if it was only available in purple or lime green.

its just fun to ponder...
Mordecai102 said:
I honestly think Nintendo should have kept it black like the Revolution prototype. Its really sleek looking and it just stands out more than the white one. It would also be pretty cool if the black one came with a red led light for the disk an evil alter ego wii??:devil:

I think that Sony would say that Nintendo would be copying them with the black look, just so they could complain about someone copying them
i prefer the white, ya know....its just cleaner even though black still looks better on!

but...yeah, i dont think it really matters, it'll just end up being like ipods, everyone already has an old nano, so why get the freaking new colored ones?

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