The Black Wii

DarkDepths said:
^^ thats a fake, though a nice idea! Besides... the thing about that is that in every car game we have seen... you hold the controller sideways. If that pic were realy, one hand would have nothing too hold!

Not that I'm saying the picture is real but in the pic you'd place two hands on the steering wheel, makes sense? Anyway I'm getting the classic white wii since it looks more classy and because i'm a boring person!
Icetrash said:
Not that I'm saying the picture is real but in the pic you'd place two hands on the steering wheel, makes sense? Anyway I'm getting the classic white wii since it looks more classy and because i'm a boring person!
Indeed you are a boring person
Lawl good one m7ticalm xD, I don't find Normal colors such White, Black, Green, Red and Blue that intresting those colors are so Commonly used I prefer pink xD
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i say we all donate to i0n then he buys one.......wait that wouldnt work
I really hope that they have all the colors for the Wii at the beginning because i still havent decided which one to get....if its only white and black at launch im most likely going to get black cause it looks very sleek and sweet
ZeLdA4LiFe said:

i definately prefer this one out of the white and black one.:D

holy sh#$ i did not know the wii was THAT small!!!


also that would be an awsome wii 2 have. were does the image come from?
ZeLdA4LiFe said:
this is a random pic, but i didnt know where else to post it. but anyways, i guess this will be used for drivin cars in games. looks cool.

If you look back at one of my earlier posts you will notice I said that there will probably be a steering wheel!!! What next?
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biskit003 said:
that thing is so stupid. u prolly cant even even use the wiimote when thats attached

meh did you notice the buttons around it? the steering wheel IS the wiimote......... i think its awesome, but needs i would say 2 buttons on each side instead of 1, so you can add in the nunchuk ones.
I like both the White and Black Wii equally.

Although the White would show less dust, so I guess that would be the one I would prefer. Not that it really matters, because after the first day of having the console, I'm sure the color will be the last thing I'm thinking about.
Couldn't you allways trade a Wii in for another color? Like go to a game shop and do a trade in once a new color comes in? I really would like to know the time frame for the launch of the other colors.All colors at launch would be great! I mean think of how many N64 colors there were!

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