The Big Giant Ssbb Spoiler Thread

Actually they had some online footage for the American version played in the Americas. I saw no lag almost whatsoever.

sec ill get link. brb
Yeah that's true.. I'm still holding out for 40 characters.. (Even though there's no way)
I hope Wolf isn't the last character. Here's to hoping it's not a wasted slot and the final character is actually a nice addition. I will also go ahead and hope more are added besides this last one people are speculating on and they just shrink the boxes or something :/ but that's a bit of a big hope.
Yeah, I'm still really frustrated with the final roster. (Or at least the roster I've seen so far) I think they could have done a lot more with better characters. I mean, the only characters I really wanted playable were Olimar, Ridley, Sonic, and frankly more surprises.. but I guess I can deal. I just would rather have a good roster than some of the worthless things being thrown into the game...

Even though overall I agree with the mini game modes..
Who dont you agree with? They seem all quite frankly very good for brawl.
So far im very pleased with the roster.
Well its almost 11 AM in Japan now so we could be seeing some more spoilers in the next couple of hours.

Please don't have Wolf in the game, that would be so stupid. Krystal FTW. She would actually have a unique move set.
Actually they might need Wolf in the game due to him being the villian between Fox and Falco and he would fit perfectly in the SSE
Well, I mean R.O.B. is worthless.. he doesn't deserve to be in.. nor does Wolf. I also wish they could have put more villains in. Examples: King K. Rool, Ridley. I also wish they could have just extended the roster. 35 characters is not enough..

But I'm being picky. The game still looks amazing. I just wish I could have stayed away from the spoilers.
laderer5 said:
Actually they might need Wolf in the game due to him being the villian between Fox and Falco and he would fit perfectly in the SSE
That's what I'm worried about...

Sure he would be a good villain but what would his move set be? What would they even base it off of?

Chances are he would just be another clone, but hey Sakurai is smart maybe he'll think of something.
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i would like more villians too

but ridley and king k rool are too big for brawl

so wolf is the next best villian, so i would be happy with wolf

i doubt there will be 3 clones from the same series, i'm guessing wolf will have a unique moveset....
mushroomedmario said:
i would like more villians too

but ridley and king k rool are too big for brawl

so wolf is the next best villian, so i would be happy with wolf
K Rool isn't too big, he could be about the same size as Dedede. And Ridley could be about the same size as Charizard.

Random Pic:
I guess in fairness I don't know much about Wolf. So, I'm probably frustrated on false pretenses. I'm actually gonna look more up about Wolf.
Of course who knows how legit these are but they sure look pretty darn real.......


Further New Characters revealed

Captain Falcon
Mister Game & Watch
Falco LonbardiLuigi

plus Ridley (Boss)

Right, this is the Motherload. Almost every playable character in Brawl has been revealed, with one or two possibly to follow.
Bad quality roster pic (may be final, even) plus names of characters:

That is;
First Row:Mario, DK, Link, Samus, Kirby, Fox, Pikachu, Marth, Mr. G&W
Second Row: Luigi, Diddy Kong, Zelda, Pit, Metaknight, Falco, Pokemon Trainer, Ike, Solid Snake
Third Row: Peach, Yoshi, Ganondorf, Ice Climbers, Dedede, Lucario, Ness, Sonic, Bowser
Fourth Row: Wario, WW Link (selected), ROB (name is 'Robot'), Olimar, Captain Falcon, Jigglypuff, Lucas, RANDOM

May be missing a Character, but it looks pretty final. If one is missing, my bet is Krystal.

Good Quality Roster Image (Missing Characters):

Photobucket Album showing MASSIVE Subspace Emmisary Spoilers:

Two more pictures for the spoiler crowd.
