The best game on the wii

Zelda: Twilight Princess easily, i like Red Steel too tho. but Zelda = #1 lol
Right now it is Wii Sports because the Zelda game I am stuck in. I don't know how to get the cat or how to get the carrige from the monkey. But I'll let you know once I get past that part.
Not many games to decide from so I would just say Zelda. T'was game of the year. :).
hogsbff said:
Right now it is Wii Sports because the Zelda game I am stuck in. I don't know how to get the cat or how to get the carrige from the monkey. But I'll let you know once I get past that part.

Oh come on that one is easy if you know your way around.
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hey ya i like wii sports too but haven't played zelda, what about a good two player game what do you think is the best there
actually from a hardware standpoint and ingenuity, Wii Sports does best Zelda.

yes in my mind as a gamer Zelda is by far the best game on the Wii, but in the name of hardware and excellence Wii Sports deserves a mention as one of the greatest multi player games of all time.
Has to be Wii sports for me. sure Zelda is good but as a Family man Wii Sports brings much more fun for the entire family which in turn makes it better in my view.

It really is personal preference really. I mean I like to shoot things and hunt for the opponent and I don't think there's a feature in Wii Sports that allows you to do that...
match002001 said:
It really is personal preference really. I mean I like to shoot things and hunt for the opponent and I don't think there's a feature in Wii Sports that allows you to do that...

Very true but in Zelda when is there a time you actually get to play a real sport. Oh and I change what I said above Zelda's better! I just got past the cat and carridge and its already getting good!

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