the ~Ask Anyone Anything~ thread

I actually don't know, good question. His strength and many knock-back resistant attacks are what got me.

CK, who's your main and why? And what does IIRC mean?
Both parts, I don't know what IIRC means either but I have heard of it being used before.
Fraz, y u no Brawl anymore?

CK, who's your main and why? And what does IIRC mean?

Wolf. His playstyle is raw aggrofaggotry (for y'all morons out there, that means all-out offensive), which fits me 'n my consistently impatient playstyles for most games perfectly. Not t' mention he's badass, so despite the fact I ain't no Starfox fan there's some character loyalty for 'em as well. He's always felt good t' play and I like the character, so that's that. T' hell with tiers. I've always made like a Gimpyfish 'n splashed my way t' Smashtastic victory with low tier characters anywho; I used t' main Link in previous Smash Bros. titles solely due to character loyalty. ... Not that I was any good with 'em outside of 64.

IIRC = If I Recall Correctly
How come you rarely use your main? I've never seen you play as Wolf.
(And I might revert to MK as a main, using him whenever possible)