the ~Ask Anyone Anything~ thread

@Bowserizer how is that a dumb question?

This thread used to be about the wiichat community giving insightful answers to questions that were relevant in the social or political atmosphere of the world. We used to actually give well-thought out answers to questions that actually held some kind of existential meaning.

Now we ask people what the Black Jack Taco tastes like.

And now it only seems like a long lost dream.....

Excuse the double post but I gotz a real question.

Directed to people good at Physics (Napalmbrain most likely)

Okay so today in physics we learned some more about energy and work. And we learned how Potential Energy is stored in "fields" And how energy cannot be made or destroyed. It is just moved from Potential to Kinetics and when its not in use it is stored into the field as Potential.

Now my question is What happens when we are using all of the Potential Energy stored in the Earth Gravitational Field (This is the field we use for energy the most)? I mean what happens if somehow we cause so much work or so much reactions that we use all of the Potential Energy that is stored in the Earths?

I mean that physically can't happen because it seems that there is like an endless amount of energy to tap into. I does Gravity make its own energy at times? It just seems to me that gravity has the ability to make energy. Can someone clarify?

Ya I'm sorry if that didn't make much sense but I can re word it if needed.

I'm starting to really love physics too. I mean the more you learn about this stuff you become like a master of the universe. I mean you just start to understand how everything works, why it works and what makes it work. Its just so cool to know alot i guess lol.
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Directed to people good at Physics (Napalmbrain most likely)

Okay so today in physics we learned some more about energy and work. And we learned how Potential Energy is stored in "fields" And how energy cannot be made or destroyed. It is just moved from Potential to Kinetics and when its not in use it is stored into the field as Potential.

Now my question is What happens when we are using all of the Potential Energy stored in the Earth Gravitational Field (This is the field we use for energy the most)? I mean what happens if somehow we cause so much work or so much reactions that we use all of the Potential Energy that is stored in the Earths?

I mean that physically can't happen because it seems that there is like an endless amount of energy to tap into. I does Gravity make its own energy at times? It just seems to me that gravity has the ability to make energy. Can someone clarify?

Ya I'm sorry if that didn't make much sense but I can re word it if needed.
No, gravity cannot create energy- nothing can. Potential energy is basically "stored" energy. An object's gravitational potential energy arises as a result of its position in a gravitational field, so the Earth has that energy because it orbits the Sun. If you could deprive the Earth of its energy, it would fall into the Sun.

Also, we don't use the Earth's gravitational field for most of our energy (most of it comes from fossil fuels), although we do make use of it, mainly in hydroelectic dams.

I'm starting to really love physics too. I mean the more you learn about this stuff you become like a master of the universe. I mean you just start to understand how everything works, why it works and what makes it work. Its just so cool to know alot i guess lol.
Why do you think I studied it? :D
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Remember, to create gravitational potential energy (in moving an object further from the Earth, for example), you have to do work against the Earth's gravitational field. Therefore no energy is gained, as the potential energy increase is equal to the kinetic energy decrease.
No, gravity cannot create energy- nothing can. Potential energy is basically "stored" energy. An object's gravitational potential energy arises as a result of its position in a gravitational field, so the Earth has that energy because it orbits the Sun. If you could deprive the Earth of its energy, it would fall into the Sun.

Also, we don't use the Earth's gravitational field for most of our energy (most of it comes from fossil fuels), although we do make use of it, mainly in hydroelectic dams.

Okay. Kinda helps. Energy is just a cool topic, full of awesomeness.

Why do you think I studied it? :D

Ya lol. But sadly doesn't help with girls too much D:

Remember, to create gravitational potential energy (in moving an object further from the Earth, for example), you have to do work against the Earth's gravitational field. Therefore no energy is gained, as the potential energy increase is equal to the kinetic energy decrease.

Okay that actually makes sense now. I remember the teacher talking about that too.

Just for all you Canadians out there but did you guys hear about that Mom who bad it illegal to assign homework to students? IDK exactly the details but she took the school to court and now her kids and other kids in that part of Canada don't have to do homework or something.
Ya lol. But sadly doesn't help with girls too much D:
I resent this. I don't think too many chicks would prefer an idiot to a man who knows his ****.

I miss you awesome thread of truth!

* What was the happiest moment of your life? The saddest?
* Who was the most important person in your life? Can you tell me about him or her?
* Who has been the biggest influence on your life? What lessons did they teach you?
* Who has been the kindest to you in your life?
* What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?
* What is your earliest memory?
* Are there any words of wisdom you’d like to pass along to me?
* What are you proudest of in your life?
* When in life have you felt most alone?
* How has your life been different than what you’d imagined?
* How would you like to be remembered?
* Do you have any regrets?
* What does your future hold?
* Is there anything that you’ve never told me but want to tell me now?
* Is there something about me that you’ve always wanted to know but have never asked?

I miss you awesome thread of truth!

* What was the happiest moment of your life? The saddest?
* Who was the most important person in your life? Can you tell me about him or her?
* Who has been the biggest influence on your life? What lessons did they teach you?
* Who has been the kindest to you in your life?
* What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?
* What is your earliest memory?
* Are there any words of wisdom you’d like to pass along to me?
* What are you proudest of in your life?
* When in life have you felt most alone?
* How has your life been different than what you’d imagined?
* How would you like to be remembered?
* Do you have any regrets?
* What does your future hold?
* Is there anything that you’ve never told me but want to tell me now?
* Is there something about me that you’ve always wanted to know but have never asked?


*when i returned from a 9 day camping trip in new mexico
*my father
*lewis black is a big influence. pricks really do live forever
*my parents have been really kind
*most important lesson is probably not to **** with the door open.
*earliest memory is watching my sister fall off of a changing table.
*don't **** with the door open
*I'm proud of everyone in my family for putting up with me.
*I felt alone on a day where I actually was alone for 24 hours in the new mexican wilderness. it was pretty cool though.
*i wanna leave a good impression everywhere, something humorous
*no regrets
*my future holds chipotle
ooh... I have a Q... for anyone
Why are you looking at something that is waaaaaaay off of the actual purpose of these forums: Wii...?
Princelink said:
I'm starting to really love physics too. I mean the more you learn about this stuff you become like a master of the universe. I mean you just start to understand how everything works, why it works and what makes it work. Its just so cool to know alot i guess lol.
Why do you think I studied it? :D

K...kyle, is this you?!
