That's wierd .... .. . ... . .


WiiChat Member
Mar 9, 2007
I have heard of a lot of bad reveiws for Call of Duty 3 around on this chat.

I find that hard to beleive. Why? This game is amasing! :smilewinkgrin:
I hav'nt had any moments were the remote was not responsive or the controls would'nt work. Also the mouvements were very immpressive.
Setting charges by turning the nunchuk, rowing the boat across the river thingie and aiming the gun itself is very fun!

The main missions are even fun to do. The game gets difficult at times but I rate it a 8.9/10. If you have this game why don't you give a rating also? ;)
i would give it an 8.5, i game itself was amazing, you're right, but like all war games, it was too short (i beat it in 6 hours) but you cant really help that, so IMO that's -0.5 from 10.0 and no multiplayer for wii so thats -1.0 in my book. Offline multiplayer only wouldve only been -0.5, and online multiplayer for wii wouldnt have taken off any points. and for graphics wise, idc about graphics that much so it was uber in my book. All in all, i think the game was awesome, i just wish i rented it first instead of spent 40 bucks T_T
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Thanks for your rating. :)
I'm not done the game yet so I don't know if it's really short.
I sold it after I spent about 30 minutes with it, I wasn't digging it. I might pick it up for the 360 though.
I really enjoyed it overall but I had some real big responsiveness issues, which really spoilt it for me but not enough to not want to complete it - it's got some cracking scenarios - although the last battle ends a bit abruptly.

To be fair - looking at the 360 trailer on Gamespot - you couldn't compare the two versions graphically but the Wii controls, as ever, look to have added an extra dimension...if this is the start of Wii FPS to come [inc. Redsteel] then MOH - vanguard looks like the next level.
this game was very good, but it was just way too short. it also does not have any sort of multiplayer, so i give it a 7.5 out of 10.

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