Texting during school. RANT.

I am also a teacher, and this bugs the crap out of me. If my class is so boring that you don't want to pay attention, then leave. My school doesn't have a very strict cell phone policy. You aren't supposed to use cells during class. If you do, you can be given ASC (After School Class)...it's like detention.

For me it's mainly a respect thing. Like someone else mentioned, when you're hanging out with people and someone is texting the whole time you think, "You obviously don't want to be here, so leave." Well, this is the same with the classroom.

I understand that cell phones are important for emergencies, but texting has no place in the classroom, and cell phones should not be used at all during school hours.

I am an English teacher, and I have also noticed that the kids who are heavy texters are also really bad spellers, and they are horrible at grammar.
English teachers rock. I've never met one that wasn't my second favorite teacher that year (Behind science).
Brawny said:
English teachers rock. I've never met one that wasn't my second favorite teacher that year (Behind science).

:cool: Oh yeah. Thanks. That's how I was all through school too (only English was my first). That's why I wanted to teach English. Creative Writing is my favorite. We don't have a CW program right now, but I'm working on getting one started.
Ok, I know i'm totally new to this forum, but hear me out hear (this is actually my first post, so bear with me :D)

I think texting is cool if you can multi-task during class while your doing it. Don't get me wrong, you should definitely be paying attention to whatever your teacher is saying, but I don't think it is necessarily "wrong" to text during class.

Our school allows texting in the cafeteria and in the hallway, but not in class. If we "multi-taskers" of the world can handle it, then why should we hide anymore?

I've seen people in our math class do it a thousand times. Everyone secretly pulling out their Sidekicks and chocolates, and hitting the keys.

DRIVING, is a whole different story though, my friends. That is just wrong, foolish, and it can get you into a lifelong situation you don't want to be in.

Just my two cents here
You made a damn good first post, gajo.

Althought i do disagree in texting during class isn't wrong, i can do that because this is a discussion. i don't think you're stupid, i just don't agree. it happens. texting in the hallway or in the cafeteria is cool though. I think that's a pretty good compromise. but of course people can totally abuse that

Welcome to the forum.
Because of respect for your teacher. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. If you were telling your friend a story and he/she took a phone call in the middle of it and wanted you to continue because he/she could "multi-task" and still listen to you, that would still be disrespectful of you, would it not?
I know I get *pissed* when people are gone too long for whatever reason...Guitar Hero and Rayman *cough*
Thanks. Glad I made an ok first one :scared:

I most fully respect your statement, RiddleN. I know how hard it must be to get your kid's attention, and you have to be right about that.
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gajo_neeko said:
DRIVING, is a whole different story though, my friends. That is just wrong, foolish, and it can get you into a lifelong situation you don't want to be in.
But us multi-taskers can handle it!

There's always two sides to the coin.
I'm too lazy to read thru every post in this thread but i read the first one and yes its true at my school if you even have a cell phone you get suspended which i think is a bit harsh but if your txt messaging people during class you fail at life end of story phones should be allowed on the person turned on vibrate or totally off but if they have it out txting should be taken away

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