Tecmo Bowl


WiiChat Member
Feb 14, 2007
My favorite game of all time for NES was Tecmo Bowl and Super Tecmo Bowl. With the fact that they used actual player names, could they legally re-release this tame on the virtual console?
JonnyJTV said:
My favorite game of all time for NES was Tecmo Bowl and Super Tecmo Bowl. With the fact that they used actual player names, could they legally re-release this tame on the virtual console?

good question. right there with you man. In some old thread I was telling people to hook up with me so we could emulate on line.

I cant think of an example that would help us answer that question. But there is some hope.

-Tecmo released Solomons Key, so thats first step. Tecmo is on board.

-Tecmo Bowl didnt have real teams. It didnt have first names. If you watch the intro it will say "Indionapolis" and show a helmet with a fish on it. So it was Taylor from New York, Not Lawrence Taylor from the NY Giants.

- I just played the game, it is copyrighted by NFL players association. But I got to thinking. Madden has Classic teams on it, and Bart Star doesnt get residuals from Madden 07 sales just because they had the 69 Packers.

-Tecmo super bowl uses real team names.

-you could make a webpage dedicated to all the wacky Engrish happenings in tecmo bowl, like how the rules are incorrect, and how it says "super pro football!" at one point and how it has LT peeing on another guy in the intro.
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I'm not sure about the old Madden's... but the new Madden 07 for Wii, when you load a Historical team, it does not have the players name, or even their number. I pulled up the 93 Cowboys, and Emmitt, Irvin, Aikman are nowhere to be found. You can edit the Franchise teams, but thats a lot of work. So I'm thinking maybe not. Super Tecmo Bowl had first and last names as well as team names as well.

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