Talking of Retro...


**.: arf . arf . arf :.**
Jan 3, 2007
Wii Online Code
Talking of games wii'd like to see on the Virtual Console, I'd really love to see any or all of these again:

  • AfterBurner
  • Alien 3
  • CoolSpot
  • Earthwork jim (1 or 2)
  • MicroMachines (any)
  • PacMan (any)
  • PaperBoy (any)
  • Pitfall
  • Tazmania
  • Taz in Escape From Mars
  • The Simpsons (any or all)
  • Wonderboy (any)
  • Zool

Does it show that I had a MegaDrive?

I had a bit of time finding a list of games for any retro consoles, but eventually found a Sega MegaDrive list and a SNES list. Dunno if I can post the links here... but you should start with Google and Wikipedia, it's where I eventually found two lists. I bet half the games you had and had forgotten about will jump out at you when you finally see a full list. I'd forgotten half of the games I had, and probably more that I can't remember!

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