GH/BH for Wii...downloading


WiiChat Member
Oct 17, 2010
First, I'm a noob at Wii and GH/BH (and this forum); I searched the forums for this topic but found nothing. Please forgive me if it's been posted before.

Anyway, I hear all this talk about downloading songs for Guitar Hero/Band Hero, but I'm really ignorant on the topic. I've tried to get into a forum on the GH site, but it's ALWAYS down.

So...I see there are songs to download for whatever GH game you have. I have downloaded the latest Wii firmware version 4.3U, so here come the questions:
  1. Does this mean that once you download a song, you can play it just like you would any other song found in the GH or BH games?
  2. And how do you specifically download the song?
  3. Where does it reside? In your Wii memory I would suppose.
  4. If you download songs to an SDHC card, can you play the song from the SD card or would you have to copy it to the Wii memory first?
  5. Has anyone tested this SanDisk SD card with their Wii? (Nintendo has certified lesser capacity SanDisk cards for use with Wii)(
  6. Do you think it would be compatible?
  7. What Rock Band games for Wii (if any) are compatible with the guitar and drum set from Guitar Hero?
That's all I can think of for now. Any other tips for downloading that I didn't address here would be appreciated.

Thank you kindly and best regards,
I don't have Band Hero but I can speak for Guitar Hero.

1. Yes, it will appear in the game as any other song and will be under the downloaded songs tab also
2. You go to the store in game and purchase songs using Wii points. You pretty much click download (after purchasing). You can redownload songs that you previously purchased
3. It's in your main memory but you can move the song onto the SD card, it's a hassle though because you need to do it to each song individually
4. I don't remember exactly, I haven't played it in a while but I believe you can (or was it Rock Band, i can't remember). You could always download a free song to test it out too.
5. Yes, I have a 2gb Sandisk in my Wii. I would have upgraded but so far i'm not even close to filling it up yet
6. Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero World Tour and up are compatible with each other i believe

Hope that helps!

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