Taking all bets!


WiiChat Member
May 23, 2007
Is the Playstation 3 really a flop or is it going to turn coal in to gold? Will the Wii really revolutionize or will it be another fad like the Razor scooter? Will the Xbox 360 pull out more great games or a new system? Vote on wich system will make the grade this christmas! Copy and paste:


Replace the 0 and add one for the system you think will be under the most trees.

Halo 3 carries the 360 into the holiday season but the wii is a close second. I think 08 is the ps3's year...
GamerCon said:
Is the Playstation 3 really a flop or is it going to turn coal in to gold? Will the Wii really revolutionize or will it be another fad like the Razor scooter? Will the Xbox 360 pull out more great games or a new system? Vote on wich system will make the grade this christmas! Copy and paste:


Replace the 0 and add one for the system you think will be under the most trees.
coal turns into dimond

and ya the ps3 have no chance it's lost all it's major titles and guess what

final fantesty on 360
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As Sony may have lost some titles, they never relied on a few titles anyways. It all depends on if you think one game can make or break a company.

Lets check the scores!


PS3 is trailing with, an impressive, 1.

Wii is in the lead, lets see if the price is right with an overwhelming 5!

Xbox360 is in second with 2 votes! Lets hope Gears of War wasnt the only surprise they had for the holiday season.

As the Wii is in favor for X-mas, we'll see if the horse can beat the rabbit. A lot can change in a year, cant wait to see what each company does to give their product more apeal, im lookin at you Sony!
this is honestly stupid
people are voting because they like the wii and they are obviously big wii fans
not because of what they think will honestly outsell what
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Well not everone gives in to peer pressure, so far its 3/8. Just as long as its what you think it will be, if your wrong you will look very silly and everyone will make fun of you.

Now is the best time to vote to cause its before summer where everyone has free time and thinks about what they really want to be doing, playing a Wii or PS3/360.
Sovieto said:
this is honestly stupid
people are voting because they like the wii and they are obviously big wii fans
not because of what they think will honestly outsell what

That's Why I Chose The 360... Cause I Think That It Will Win Cause:

A: Most Game Titles
B: Best Online Play
C: Best Online Communication
D: Three Different Forms Of Console

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