System setup pics???

Little update to mine... just moved into a bigger house got more stuff out but most of it is still stashed away in the garage... i need some more rubbermaid bins to keep my 4 year old son from dragging the games and stuff all over the house...

anyway here is the t.v. "52 DLP Samsung
"playing battalion wars 2 online for the first time and getting my butt handed to"

The Nintendos... All of them original launch systems i bought except the N64 gave mine to a buddy and got stuck with the doney kong ill probably replace it with a black or grey off ebay, i need a spare controller anyways... the MK RC's were christmas presents for me and my son we play with them all the time.

And here are some of the cases that survived over the years missing over half my GC ones i know ive got over 50 GC games now not sure what happened to the cases

some of my fav NES games i got a little over 50 more in the garage but alot of them are things like ROB the robot and corny little kids games... i was only like 4 or 5 when i got really into it lol

NES & SNES controllers... again some of them

N64 and GC controllers

SNES and N64 games... there is another line of SNES under the N64's... and the Cases are 12 disk each 4 filled with GC only one so far with Wii im renting alot before i buy this time around.

The Den here is the computer and the spare TV... my friends setup there PS3 for our new years party and we did rock band on this 36" zenith... also have my 3DO system hooked up to it with about a dozen games...

I would get you some shots of the bedroom, got my laptop next to my 32" phillips and the xbox and ps2 in there...
"systems you play by yourself have no need to be in public"
but the wifes sleeping and im just taking a break from BWII so maybe next time

Everything else is pretty much boxed up and just becomming worth more
Gromet said:
LOL Guys thats just the tip of the iceberg...

I Actually own about 95% of all US video game systems released since Atari 2600 and a few from before that.

Fairchild Channel F
3 Pongs
Atari 2600, 5200, 7600
NES Front & Top Loading, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Wii
Sega Master System, Genesys (wCD&32x), Saturn, Dreamcast
RDI Halcyon (Full System)
Turbographics 16
Playstation, PSOne, Playstation 2, Playstation 3
XBox, XBox360

PSP, Nintendo DS, GB Advance, Gameboy, GameGear...

Those are just the ones I know off the top of my head. They are all fully functional and all get played a lot.

They are in my game room in my basement along with my Star wars collection, I have some pics of that stuff when I was unpacking it when I moved into my new house if anyone is intersted...

And just because I am a gamer and have collected games and consoles my whole life does not make me a "rich bastard", Dude you don't even know me.

I am CIO of the second largest General contracting Firm in the US. I work my ass off, and when I do have free time, I play game, usually. I have a life, I'm engaged to an amazing woman, who BTW loves gaming too...

Terrific post, keep up the good vibes.........
Oh my god at Wezeles and Ashwii00. I wish I had the resources to have stuff like that (ie. money). Very nice guys.
damn some of you guys got some extremly expensive setups and a shitload of games, I don't see how anyone can complain about ps3 price.
Puckfiend said:
Nice setup, fellow hockey fan!

What kind of guitar is that you have there??

I agree awsome setup! love projectors awsome way to make a huge "party" screen...
back when i was a single we had one setup in the man-cave much like that... Maybe someday the wife will let me convert the basement into something like that... If not i will just have to make an addition to the house and call it off limits to her... lol
I finally got off of my Duff and

I finally got off of my duff and posted a pic of the Setup.
47" 1080P LCD. Yamaha and Bose 6.1 Home Theater with in-ceiling Surrounds (Center Speaker is behind TV). Wii & DS games and GH3 Guitar. I could use a PS3 or Blu-ray player to get the most from the TV. The Cat does not play many games.


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Pantalaimn said:
I finally got off of my duff and posted a pic of the Setup.
47" 1080P LCD. Yamaha and Bose 6.1 Home Theater with in-ceiling Surrounds (Center Speaker is behind TV). Wii & DS games and GH3 Guitar. I could use a PS3 or Blu-ray player to get the most from the TV. The Cat does not play many games.
nice setup man!
I decided to add to the pics...we were gonna move to a bigger apartment, but decided to stay here for a little while longer. My set up is a 50" Samsung DLP with the 1200w surround sound that is honestly too loud for an apartment. I have the 360 with some games along with the wii. I still have a TiVo HD in the box i need to get around to setting up but with the new move lingering, I think ill hold off on that. Im thinking about getting the PS3 for the Blu-Ray capabilities since a Blu-Ray player costs near $400 anyways. Sorry for the crappy pics:shocked:

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