Super Techmo Bowl is what we need!!!!


WiiChat Member
Jan 4, 2007
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Yeah, Techmo bowl was fun for the NES...but not all the teams were there! Super Techmo Bowl was huge for me on Super NES. Nintendo needs to get that bad boy out there!!!!!
AZ_Wii_Tard said:
now way The original was the best!
I've heard different, in fact Super Techmo bowl was one of the top rates games with the World "super" in the title.
JerrodDRagon said:
I've heard different, in fact Super Techmo bowl was one of the top rates games with the World "super" in the title.

SUPER Mario Bros was top of that list though me thinks xD

Never had a Snes or Nes so I've never played any of these titles ;( - Hopefully the VC can composate for this
I have never played techmo bowl.. is it good??
Here are a couple of blurbs on the two games. I never played Tecmo Bowl but Tecmo Super Bowl was awesome. I definitely think Nintendo needs to release Tecmo Super Bowl sooner rather than later.

Tecmo Bowl (1988)
Tecmo comes home. Sure it was a little rough around the edges - you only had nine guys on the field at once, you only had four plays to choose from, and basically every pass was either a completion or a pick - but in 1988 it was the best football anyone had to offer. It has the 12 'cities' which made the playoffs that year, and a lot of real players. The season was password supported, and you basically just played every team once. There were no fumbles, and LT could block every field goal and extra point, but it was still a lot of fun. This game is the true origin of it all, without this there would be no Tecmo Super Bowl as we know it today.

Tecmo Super Bowl (1991)
The game that changed everything. This one had it all, a full 16 game season with playoffs, real teams, real players, player conditions, subsitutions, injuries, and it even kept stats for the whole season. On top of all of this it was really fun. The gameplay was balanced enough offensively and defensively to keep it interesting no matter what teams were playing. And the little nuances and quirks of the game which, although often unrealistic, just made the game even more enjoyable to play (like scrambling to get that bouncing fumble). It's that game that you can just keep going back to, and it never gets old.
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^^^^ what he said!

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