Super Smash Bros. Gallery

Isn't hard to get all 15 of the not only spinning but to stay there and not poof?
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ssbb_lover said:
Isn't hard to get all 15 of the not only spinning but to stay there and not poof?
actually thats easy. the hard part is getting a straight line of super scope shots. and that was REALLY hard.
what was with the nintendo dog in one of the pictures? is he going to be playable in the game? or is it just a stupid thing nintendo released cause ive seen that screenscot everywhere.
i think it is going to be an item, when obtained, that turns into an annoying thing that will block your vision on what is happening.
(not that it will affect the cpu's anyway)
i guess that sounds like an alright idea but what about when u playing 2-player? the item will make you suffer as well. and what if you collect the item? the computer will still be able to see =S
Except for CPU's:( Exact same as togepi's black magic trick, I hate that piece of $h1t.
I know, I was just reinstating it because obviously no one saw it because Icetrash said the same thing again.
Icetrash said:
and what if you collect the item? the computer will still be able to see =S

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