Super Smash Bros. Brawl "Friend Code Exchange"

wii code

Hello my wii code is 5699-6410-9490-5753, my smash brawl code is 0561-3296-7083 and my nick is Mack, thanks, i will add you
This is to get Wii friend codes and SSBB friend codes. I am always on so just private message me your Wii friend code and/or your SSBB friend code and tell me you added me and i will reply when i add you.

Wii FC: 3423-7236-6413-5583

SSBB FC: 2622-4021-4569

hey, my wii code is 5699-6410-9490-5753, and my smash brawl one is 0561-3796-7083, my nick is Mack
Any body that wants to add my mine is 8015899240941115 for the wii SSBB is 365371740965 by the way does any one have Naruyo Shippuden revolution 3 i did but i think it might of melted in my house fire a while ago sooo if any one live near Victor MT like as far a bozeman is i guesse could i barrow that game
I'm so board. Has any added me yet although i'm wierd i guesse.

haha, i already added you fighter, my wii code is 5699-6410-9490-5753, and my smash brawl one is 0561-3296-7083, my nick is Mack

i will be waiting for you!