Super Smash Bros. Brawl Friend Code Exchange 2013

Hey looking for some friends to add and brawl with. My friend code is 4600-1128-6968

I added the previous 8 people before me. Add me so we can play!
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Add me pls!

Mine IS: 0047-3166-0691 im on usaly every day so... YEA!

Hype for ssb4: OVAR 9000!
Miverse:z0rua find me!
My Friend code is 1506-1089-3271

Top Characters: 1. Snake 2. Yoshi 3. Kirby
I use the classic controller
Hope to see you there!
I am new to the site so if I am messing up with the navigation please excuse that. I would like to play with some new people, so if you are willing to add me please just reply with your fc and I will add you. My Friend Code is: 2449-8673-8547

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