Super Smash Bros Brawl Controlling and Movement

Obliza said:
I don't the using the Wii remote to attack( as in moving it down, up, shaking ect.) will be such a great idea... for one its slow then tapping A or B and there is always the change that your quick snap of the remote will make you attack up instead of down or something like that.

I think using the amazing functions of the Wii Remote will lower the quality of the game :/
I guess we will have to wait and see...

Ok i see where your coming the Zelda:TP sword movement...yeah that could work. But just nothing complicated eg. SSX!
i think that this game should have an option to change so you can use the Wiimote - Gc or classic controller
Except it didn't say ANYTHING I've said before. Its probably going to use ALL THREE Controller styles. Whether you like it or not. As for motion sensor thats a quote from ages ago. THINGS CHANGE. You don't work for Nintendo and all these delays tell me that they're working on adding stuff to the game. Why else is the delay so long? For all we know it could be in the game. So quit trying to make it seem like the only controller it will use is GC controllers.
MasterJedi2U said:
Except it didn't say ANYTHING I've said before. Its probably going to use ALL THREE Controller styles. Whether you like it or not. As for motion sensor thats a quote from ages ago. THINGS CHANGE. You don't work for Nintendo and all these delays tell me that they're working on adding stuff to the game. Why else is the delay so long? For all we know it could be in the game. So quit trying to make it seem like the only controller it will use is GC controllers.
its not going to stop trying to argue this. You can say, it would be cool if..., but no, its not.
Look at this.
How will Super Smash Bros. Brawl utilize the Wii controller?
Sakurai: Rather than just trying to implement too much of the functions of the Wii controller, we want to keep the control simple. I'll just say now that you might not want to throw away your Gamecube controllers just yet. Mr. Miyamoto and Nintendo have encourage developers to use the controller in new and different ways. I look at my role as offering something different. I'm trying to deliver something that has a more standard control scheme.
That does mean something. Or does it not, does he blatently say Oh ya we will have many modes of control in this game. No, he doesnt.

If you want more proof, heres IGN saying it
Under the direction of series creator Masahiro Sakurai, Super Smash Bros. Brawl will feature classic, GameCube-style combat -- not Wii-style motion-controlled combat. That means players who prefer to play the game with the traditional control setup can look forward to using the GameCube control-style they're already accustomed to.


Edit: Oh, and look what i Happened to find on this very site
Will the game use the Wiimote’s motion sensitivity?

Super Smash Bros. Brawl will not use the Wiimote features. Instead it will be designed for the Gamecube controller and possibly the classic pad.

"We found that trying to implement too much motion-sensory functionality can get in the way of the game. We're looking at keeping the control simple, as it has been," said Sakurai.

"The Wii hardware has sockets for the GameCube controller, too. So I'll just say now that you may not want to throw away your GCN controller yet."
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"pwned" Oh please shut up. Those quotes are from months ago as everyone knows. Keep trying to push that on us. I don't believe you and lots of other don't as well. So you can pretend like you know everything but you really don't. You've been throwing that quote out there sine last year. And for the record this is A WII game. Not a VC game. NOT a Gamecube game. A game for the Nintendo Wii. Therefore it HAS to use the Wiimote and it should use it to its full capacity or at least in some decent manner. Otherwise that defeats the purpose of getting a Wii for the "new type of gaming". And unlike you I'm not some immature brat so I won't claim I "pwnd" you or w/e stupid **** you guys are saying to each other. Bottom line is that it will use ALL THREE so as to please the idiots incapable of adapting to change.
MasterJedi2U said:
"pwned" Oh please shut up. Those quotes are from months ago as everyone knows. Keep trying to push that on us. I don't believe you and lots of other don't as well. So you can pretend like you know everything but you really don't. You've been throwing that quote out there sine last year. And for the record this is A WII game. Not a VC game. NOT a Gamecube game. A game for the Nintendo Wii. Therefore it HAS to use the Wiimote and it should use it to its full capacity or at least in some decent manner. Otherwise that defeats the purpose of getting a Wii for the "new type of gaming". And unlike you I'm not some immature brat so I won't claim I "pwnd" you or w/e stupid **** you guys are saying to each other. Bottom line is that it will use ALL THREE so as to please the idiots incapable of adapting to change.
HAHA you dont know that. And well, how exactly do you think they would use "classic" ssb controls on a wiimote? And i dont see alot of other people "pushing" this wii mote thing besides you, just give it up, its old info, but no new info has come up to contradict it.
So according to YOUR reasoning then its perfectly fine for lets say Playstation 3 to have Final Fantasy 13 be played with the PS2 controller? Or Halo 3 fans would settle for playing it with the X Box controller instead of the newer 360? Granted there is not much difference for those 2 systems but you truly are ignorant if you think a next gen game is not going to compatible with the controller that comes with the next gen console. You've already admitted that the quote is old news and yes while there's nothing NEW to contradict that doesn't mean that nothing is being changed right now. As for control schemes with the Wiimote...I'm not saying it has to use motion sensors but you use the Analog stick to move side to side, jump, and duck of course. You've got the Z button for Shield. A and B on are on the Wiimote. And C could possibly be used to dodge. I'm not saying thats what its going to be but you asked and thats what I came up with in a short time period. Go ahead and laugh if you feel moved to. I find your childish way of thinking to be quite amusing as well. When you learn some logic come and we can talk about it calmly without have to use "pwned" or "ZOMFG".

And oh a last note how am I pushing the "Wiimote agenda"? I've said ALL ALONG that it will USE ALL THREE! Can you not read or something?
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its most likely gonna mainly be gc/classic controller. miyamoto has hinted that several times. wiimote doesnt fit for ssbb imo. but if it does use wiimote, who cares?

ssbb ftw
MasterJedi2U said:
So according to YOUR reasoning then its perfectly fine for lets say Playstation 3 to have Final Fantasy 13 be played with the PS2 controller? Or Halo 3 fans would settle for playing it with the X Box controller instead of the newer 360? Granted there is not much difference for those 2 systems but you truly are ignorant if you think a next gen game is not going to compatible with the controller that comes with the next gen console. You've already admitted that the quote is old news and yes while there's nothing NEW to contradict that doesn't mean that nothing is being changed right now. As for control schemes with the Wiimote...I'm not saying it has to use motion sensors but you use the Analog stick to move side to side, jump, and duck of course. You've got the Z button for Shield. A and B on are on the Wiimote. And C could possibly be used to dodge. I'm not saying thats what its going to be but you asked and thats what I came up with in a short time period. Go ahead and laugh if you feel moved to. I find your childish way of thinking to be quite amusing as well. When you learn some logic come and we can talk about it calmly without have to use "pwned" or "ZOMFG".

And oh a last note how am I pushing the "Wiimote agenda"? I've said ALL ALONG that it will USE ALL THREE! Can you not read or something?
ps3 uses the ps2 controler with some new stupid gimmack. That argument doesnt work.


The definition of logic in webster is
the science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference.

Im just presenting the facts to you buddy. I, am therefore, using logic, or, reliable information

Most the people on here are 13, i wouldnt be surprised if you are too. Your the one getting all upset over my posts saying that it will use the cube controller. If nintendo told us "not to throw away your cube controllers just yet" then they meant something by that. (and no not just for the VC) and also what is so rediculous about the idea of it only using GC controlls? I find that logicly reasonable, Miyamoto said he wants to use the GC controller in new and innovative ways, but w.e. Opinions are "to each his own" and you can get up set over absolutly nothing, this is rediculous. I always offer my opinion, of the facts, and that is, for right now, a hard fact that it will use the cube controller.

PtonJalken said:
its most likely gonna mainly be gc/classic controller. miyamoto has hinted that several times. wiimote doesnt fit for ssbb imo. but if it does use wiimote, who cares?

ssbb ftw
Thank you. I dont see why MasterJedi2U is getting so worked up about this.

I was just providing a final note on this thread, seeing that it is going in no real direction besides people making up stuff about SSBB controls, and ignoring the facts that have already been stated. If the title uses wii controls, i honestly wouldnt be surprised as it is a wii title, except you cannot ignore what the officials have said concerning the controls.
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Frankly I'm done trying to convince people that it is completely capable of working with Smash Bros. We'll just wait and see. But I would like to know why people are so put off by the thought of using it to play the game. I'm excited to try it out. Once again can you not read? I said CLEARLY that the analogy is NOT PERFECT. "Its a fact that it will use the GC Controller"...LOL.

EDIT: First off I'm 21 years old and a student at Duke majoring in Theology. Believe me or not since this is the internet I don't care. But I do want to set the facts straight. Anyone whos read my posts knows that when I was adding friends I only added people in the "young adult to adult" catagory with a few exceptions.
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I think the controlls are good like this. It's better this way. You can pull off baddass tricks without running in danger to mess up with your movement
I would be disappointed if SSBB did't have the option of using the Wiimote. I can see wherein the problem lies though, maybe the best option is using a GC Controller(I'm not a huge fan of using the classics controller either, just need to get used to it I guess).

P.S. What is the LATEST Official/Unofficial release date for SSBB? I've seen many different dates, 12/31/07, Spring '07, Summer '07. I don't know if i can wait until next year...

P.P.S. When are we going to be able to get SSB 64 as a VC game? Awesome if this game went online.

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