Super Smash Bros Brawl Controlling and Movement

I wouldn't be suprise if nintendo din't add some type of special move that requires a certain amount of bars.. just like on marvel vs street fighter or marvels vs capcom...that would be neat for sure...but with the controls i don't know. i'm sure it will be good though. I think they will use the wii mote because it has already been accomplished with MK. and all fighting games usually use the say controls and movement......... something just hit me, you think nintendo will make some enviroments 3d?
I read an article about the creator of SSBB said "Wii owners don't throw out your GC controllers out just yet" He probably meens that it will have wii controls, GC controls, and probably the new classic controller controls. Sorry I can't find the website where I found this, probably on IGN or gamespot.
I think the MK:A controls are great, SSBB should follow them too. its much more fun lashing your wiimote at an opponent thant just pressing A...
gingerkid said:
I read an article about the creator of SSBB said "Wii owners don't throw out your GC controllers out just yet" He probably meens that it will have wii controls, GC controls, and probably the new classic controller controls. Sorry I can't find the website where I found this, probably on IGN or gamespot.
the enviroments already are 3d, they just move in a 2d fashion, but no, i do not think they will stray from that look
I say they should use either classic, or gamecube controllers. Why mess with perfection for that game?
It's not fixing it it's changing it and that would make them build it form the ground up instead of just adding two or three moves and some characters
elmo_999 said:
why try and fix what aint broken

is that a serious question? the whole point of the wii is that its a revolutionary system that uses motion sensing. the phrase "don't fix what ain't broken" does NOT apply to technological advances.
they should just make 2 options, to play with wii remote controls or controls for GC and classic controller. They do this for metal slug anthology where there are many control options
I honestly don't know why people are freaking out over this issue and not using their God given brains to analyze the situation. Brawl is a Wii Title...hence it will and SHOULD automatically be compatible with the Wii Remote controller setup. However Nintendo being the nice company that is is most of the time probably realized that some of you were going to b*tch and moan about having to get used to using the Wiimote. So they decided to make it compatible with the Classic Controller as well as the GC Controller. The bottom line is that I expect it to work with ALL THREE controller and if doesn't work with the Wiimote I'll be very shocked to say the least.
I agree totally with you MasterJedi2u. that's what i thought of in the first place. I think we can put this discussion to rest now.
I agree could they release a Wii game that wasn't compatible with the controller the system is supplied with?

Also i'm not hugely bothered with whether it supports the GC controller - assuming it uses the Wiimote simply as a controller rather than for motion sensor - afterall its a totally new game in the series, .

Bringing the Wiimote to Zelda didn't ruin its gameplay, so why should it ruin SSBB? The Wiimote has plenty of buttons support various functions, and i actually like being able to move my hands freely.
I don't the using the Wii remote to attack( as in moving it down, up, shaking ect.) will be such a great idea... for one its slow then tapping A or B and there is always the change that your quick snap of the remote will make you attack up instead of down or something like that.

I think using the amazing functions of the Wii Remote will lower the quality of the game :/
I guess we will have to wait and see...

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