Super Smash Bros. 4

Two seperate rulesets confused me.

How so?

Well since the almighty 'Karp knows more than I, I better stop arguing pointlessly 'fore I get a scale stuffed up my bum.

It always depresses me when someone says this... don't be afraid t' have a friendly discussion with a mod. I don't ban people over a debate lol. Well, not 'til they resort to name callin'.

Though I gotta say that second part means you're agreeing with me (on that one point of fun).

Don't get what ya mean.

Limits are not fun.

Why do board games have rules? To give parameters of how t' play the game with the most fun. Limitations make things MORE fun when properly implemented.

There are counter measures to nearly everything.

Burden of proof counters that argument. irony intended What stops a rampaging Mega Kangaskhan or Mega Blaziken? How do you beat SwagKey? How can you survive Scarf Kyogre's Water Spout spam?

There is literally no answer to the first three. The latter-most is only stopped by a handful of Pokemon that're just as broken as Kyogre itself is: which is to say, you only stop it at the cost of using broken overpowered legendaries of your own. That's a great cost.

In Pokemon, there're tons, and I mean tons of game-breaking strategies... and not just strategies, tons of overpowered Pokemon in general. Half of which aren't even legendary.

When common sense and decency is added, jackassery is no more. But I guess that's too random.

Quite true, actually... but for both sides'a the coin. There're more "win at any cost" casual players than there are competitive players at all, good sports or not. For most mainstream games I reckon. Just look at camping in shooters 'n "netdecking" in every TCG ever. That's an example of decency bein' at an all-time low. As for an example of a lack'a common sense, a good one would be that all legendaries are commonly banned.

I actually really liked trolling people with FLUDD.

One does not simply troll with a move that's useless 99% of the time, and less effective than another move 100% of the time lol (usually Mario's cape).


You won’t be able to use Mii Fighters when you fight With Anyone online, but the plan is to enable this feature With Friends online.


In one Miiverse post (don't feel like looking for it) Sakurai states that your invincibility frames regarding ledge grabbing are static now as opposed to being damage-based. I think that's the only change he stated as far as I know.

Oh, they changed that... ? Wonder why they took it back. I highly doubt it'd have anythin' to do with balancing.

Damage based = The more damage you have, the more invincibility frames you get when you grab a ledge.

Could'a swore it was planned t' be the other way around: higher your damage, less invincibility frames ya get. Makes more sense that way, I reckon. Easier to ledge hog when you've little damage, and easier t' lose the ledge when you're at high percentages, meanin' you're edge guarded easier/have a tougher time ledge hogging (assuming you can't steal the ledge from someone holdin' on while they're invincible).

... But don't quote me on that.

Anyone else sad/mad Mew2King didn't enter the E3 Smash Tourney?

Wasn't a matter of enterin', he wasn't given an invitation...
@Karp, everything is slower in Brawl, so if Mario would be in the middle of FD and someone was falling with an up special near the ledge, you can't always quickly run up to him to use a meteor mash or something. (How does cape work? They can jump again after you've used cape, right?) so then I'd use FLUDD to get rid of free fallin opponents.

I'm actually not sure about the more frames or less frames with the certain damage amount, I just found it more obvious this way.
Couldn't find it anywhere either. Though I did find that you have some invincibility frames with 100% > if you use an attack to get on land again.
I'd use FLUDD to get rid of free fallin opponents.

Only works on terrible players who recover pointlessly high above the ledge lol. No one does that if they're smart. FLUDD is completely ineffective on any players that know the "don'ts of recovering".

How does cape work? They can jump again after you've used cape, right?


First and foremost, the cape doesn't knock characters out of (most, if not all) animations. Attacks, free-falling after an Up-B, etc. Secondly, it has a sort of reverse momentum effect. Dunno how much, but when you cape someone's Up-B, you'll send 'em in the opposite direction and reverse their directional controls for half a second or so. These two reasons are why it's Mario's best edge guarding tool: any move that leads to free-falling is cape bait, bar ones that have really good disjointed hitboxes/they reach the ledge before you hit (not as much an issue in Melee, for obvious reasons)... doesn't even have to be a special move. If a Sonic player is bein' cheeky with those Up-B to instant D-air recoveries near the ledge, cape 'em and he'll plummet to his doom.

The cape is one'a Mario's most unique and useful tools. Don't forget it also reflects projectiles (though it's not worth the bother on anything but strong ones, like Spamus' two projectiles or Lucario's charged Neutral B). Takes finesse to use since it's all 'bout situation awareness, and it ain't the biggest hitbox. Only masterful Mario mains can consistently cape recoveries without trading in the process.

I'm actually not sure about the more frames or less frames with the certain damage amount.

Could'a swore my explanation of ledge invincibility was what Sakurai's Miiverse explained on one post, but again, don't quote me on that. Also I'm too lazy t' check.
We all have our fail moments, and punishing that with FLUDD is what I call trolilng :3

Wow thanks for the cape info, might use it some more now.
I mostly only used it for deflecting things.
We all have our fail moments, and punishing that with FLUDD is what I call trolilng :3

True as that is, I've literally never been gimped by FLUDD lol. Any time someone has tried, the move's terribadness failed 'em... meanwhile, the cape would've sent me to the blast zone for sure/they could've just ledge hogged.

Never successfully edge guarded with FLUDD either, but that's only t' be expected since I don't play Mario.

Wow thanks for the cape info, might use it some more now.

Might? Ya gotta, it's such a great tool lol. And I dunno 'bout y'all actual Mario players, but on the rare occasion I got a cape edgeguard, it was very satisfying. Much moreso than even a meteor KO, and as a Wolf main, I can tell ya I loved those.

hot damn do i love wolf's d-air buff in p:m
I think Squirtle's neutral special was better than Mario's FLUDD. I know I've used it way more often and in a better way than Mario's FLUDD, that's for sure.
I'm not a Mario player, but I play with all characters, so everytime I play I choose a different char each round.
(sometimes including rematches of course)

Yeah.. Meteor mashes are the best <3
I kinda forgot, does his side special function as a meteor mash in Brawl? Like Falco's? (only when he sweetspots of course)
What buff did his d-air get exactly?

I really enjoy using Pit's down special on Ness' or Lucas' recovery as well. It's the best.
I kinda forgot, does his side special function as a meteor mash in Brawl? Like Falco's? (only when he sweetspots of course)


What buff did his d-air get exactly?
I'm not sure. It doesn't seem to different to me than the other ones. 64 Mario's d-air is my favorite. The sound effect when all the hits connect is extremely satisfying.


Wolf's Side-B is indeed a meteor smash when sweetspotted. Not that you'll ever hit with it and avoid self-destructing in the process lol. In all my vBrawling years, I've only done it perhaps twice. And I was a decent Wolf main.

Many I'd of landed a few more, but I generally played with Smashers who knew the "don'ts" of edgeguarding Wolf; which is to say, don't hang on the ledge without invincibility frames lol.

What buff did his d-air get exactly?

A very simple one: it comes out A LOT faster. Wolf's D-air isn't that great in vBrawl since it's not even a strong meteor even though it comes out slower than, say, DK's stronger, larger D-air. Makes sense Wolf shouldn't hit like a huge gorilla does, but that doesn't change the fact it's a rather average move.

Also, P:M's game mechanics in general. Wolf can combo into D-air during a "tech chase" or with a combo-starting "launcher" move like his Down-B, L-Canceling means the move doesn't leave you quite as vulnerable as in vBrawl, and my favorite, you can start comboes on-stage with his D-air thanks to the large hitstun you get when meteor smashing characters while they're still on the ground.
Wolf was a really fun character and different from the other spacies. I just hope they make him quicker, it be cool seeing combos like double nair, fair, to the spike side b.( with being able to recover like pm) It'd be silly to take him out. I believe he'll be released with mew two and meta knight in a Villians announcement. Then the hero of smash comes in and falcon punches them. Still hoping for snake or big boss.
Wow, that is indeed a handy buff.
Hmmm, why can they not hang on the ledge without invincibility frames? How would you punis them?

Wolf's Side-B is indeed a meteor smash when sweetspotted. Not that you'll ever hit with it and avoid self-destructing in the process lol. In all my vBrawling years, I've only done it perhaps twice. And I was a decent Wolf main.

Many I'd of landed a few more, but I generally played with Smashers who knew the "don'ts" of edgeguarding Wolf; which is to say, don't hang on the ledge without invincibility frames lol.

A very simple one: it comes out A LOT faster. Wolf's D-air isn't that great in vBrawl since it's not even a strong meteor even though it comes out slower than, say, DK's stronger, larger D-air. Makes sense Wolf shouldn't hit like a huge gorilla does, but that doesn't change the fact it's a rather average move.

Also, P:M's game mechanics in general. Wolf can combo into D-air during a "tech chase" or with a combo-starting "launcher" move like his Down-B, L-Canceling means the move doesn't leave you quite as vulnerable as in vBrawl, and my favorite, you can start comboes on-stage with his D-air thanks to the large hitstun you get when meteor smashing characters while they're still on the ground.

Oh. Derp. Thought Captain was talking about Mario's D-air and side B. Sorry about that.
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Hmmm, why can they not hang on the ledge without invincibility frames? How would you punis them?

Side-B lol. Spikes 'em and lets ya grab the ledge in one. Being a frame too late on gettin' up from the ledge can result in not only flubbing the edgeguard and lettin' Wolf back, but gettin' yourself instaKO'd.

Never happens though.