Super paper Mario, (frecktails)


WiiChat Member
Apr 10, 2007
How exactly do you beat him ? I know it says to hit his antenna with Thoreau, but I've tried this and can't tell if it's working. How many times do you have to hit him and do you have any tips........ (He's @ the end of 1-4)
get on him, run to his head, use thoreau to grab and enemy, jump and throw it at the yellow ball tip of his antennae, i had to jump on him and throw about 4-5 enemies 3 diff times b4 he keeled over and died, hope this helped

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Wow, thanx Stranger for the quick reply,

I didn't know you could get on him, I tried to avoid that since I thought my HP would go down. Sweet, thanx a lot for the tip !

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