Super Mario Galaxy In 8 Days!!!!

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Yeah i will probably be playing this for a few years also(considering i just got done beating Super Mario 64)

SillyHat, if you find that site can you give me it please.

And if anyone has a MYSPACE, tell me your URL so we can be buds.!:smilewinkgrin:

Currently Own:

Hardware: Wii console, 4 Wiimotes, 4 Nunchuks, 1 Classic.
Software: Legend of Zelda TP, Metroid Prime 3, Super Paper Mario, Metal Slug Anthology, Madden NFL 07, Wii Sports, Need For Speed Carbon, Guitar Hero 3.
Accessories: Wiimote Charging Station, 4 Silicon Jackets (Free), 4 HEAVY DUTY STRAPS (Free).
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sadly im not as pumped as i rthink i should be for this game. im sure it will be an awsome game but eh i dno not really interested in it
I don't know if you all know this but three of the walmarts that I know of in my area have Super Mario Galaxy playable like a demo but it seems like its the full game, I don't know if this is everywhere, all I know is its in the christmas department.
i was at gamestop and i went just to play super mario galaxy but a 7 year old (age guess) was playing it and getting all into it and i was starting to get mad when he stayed on it for like 20 minutes but then i thought about how i felt back when i was his age playing games like mario 64 and i just left and went to another one to play and the pretty much same thing happened!! i guess i'll just have to rent it or something before i buy it
I wasn't that excited about it until I watched the videos at Gamespot.

Now... I can't wait. I may pre-order it.
This game surpasses all hype. You've been waiting for this since Mario 64? It's gonna blow your mind. I'm playing and I say "wow this is an awesome game", then it gets better and better and better. Soon enough you're fully submersed into Super Mario Galaxy. Yeah it's hard to describe. It's like drugs or something. A revolutionary platforming experience? Something like that, but Nintendo came through for the fans this time... Well, I've played thousands of games in my life, and this definitely ranks in the top 2 or 3. Maybe even 1. It's the best.

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