Super Luigi Galaxy

How about making a Luigi Wii game instead? or a Mario Bros. Wii game.
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  • #33
Apocalypse said:
Sorry, I'll spell it out for you. N O.
Why? Because it's LUIGI? It has the exact same gameplay only it's Luigi instead of Mario. Does it really matter?
you will use luigi at the end of the game because he said that u had a missing star in good egg galaxy and when u beat the game you get to use luigi to get the last star
KirbyPK said:
Why? Because it's LUIGI? It has the exact same gameplay only it's Luigi instead of Mario. Does it really matter?

Does it matter in terms of gameplay? Likely no. But does it matter? Matter to who? Or to what? As stated earlier ((thus why I had to spell it out for you)) people gave reasons why they prefer gaming with Mario over Luigi.
Mario is White Collar

Luigi is Blue Collar.

Luigi is cool, but is the laughing target... Nintendo laughs at him too. Who's on a mansion scared to save Mario? Luigi.
Who is scared in the Galaxy of Ghosts, waiting to be saved. Luigi.

Even hear Mario falling into the freaking black hole, and then hear Luigi.
Mario does he's typical. "uuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...."
Luigi cries scared instead, like. "uaaaaaaaaaaaaawawwaaaawaaahaaaahaa"

Luigi is always scared :lol: That't funny too... but Mario is the boss anyway.
KirbyPK said:
What if Nintendo decided to make Super Mario Galaxy, Super Luigi Galaxy, and instead of playing as Mario from the start, you play as Luigi from the start. Do you think it'd be just as successful as Super Mario Galaxy or do you think nobody will want it because Luigi's the star? I know not many people liked Luigi's Mansion, but was it just because Luigi was the star? So what's that mean, if it was Mario's Mansion people would like it? That's not right.

That would be possible. They could make a Luigi version of Super Mario Galaxy for the Luigi fans and maybe a Wario version for Wario fans
Chicagoan said:
Luigi Mansion is so funny... I loved to scare luigi...

It was very funny, when the heart was tiny tiny and you pressed A...

Luigi: Maaaaaaaariiiiiiiiioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I was convinced I was the only one that ever did that. Constantly.
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  • #42
Apocalypse said:
Does it matter in terms of gameplay? Likely no. But does it matter? Matter to who? Or to what? As stated earlier ((thus why I had to spell it out for you)) people gave reasons why they prefer gaming with Mario over Luigi.
I don't think it makes much of a difference. Sure Luigi's slippery, but he's faster and can jump higher. And I don't even think that matters much, they play pretty much the same. I mean it's not like Luigi's Yoshi or something, THEN it would matter.

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