Super Luigi Galaxy

fredes99 said:
it would be cool if they did the pokemon thing, and release to games, one super mario galaxy and one super luigi galaxy
but you can still play as luigi once you get all 120 stars with mario
On a Pokemon-related note, maybe they could release Super Pikachu Galaxy. ;)

*ahem* I'd buy the mario version before the luigi one if there were two (SMG and SLG)
now luigi mansion was ace,:smilewinkgrin: but it would be a bit **** if they brought out luigi galaxy think bout it he would not fighten power like mario who KICKS ASS:lol:
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wiivin said:
now luigi mansion was ace,:smilewinkgrin: but it would be a bit **** if they brought out luigi galaxy think bout it he would not fighten power like mario who KICKS ASS:lol:
He'd fight the same way he does on Mario Galaxy. :|
ive played as luigi and im concludin tht anyone wud rather play as mario anyday of the week!

make a luigi game for the wii.

I read somewhere, where they mentioned that a luigis mansion game has potential on the WII, same for the Starfox series.
Wow. some people finished it already? I know it's been almost a month. But Wow. Anyway, I've got about 80 something stars and loving every minute. I know I can go to the end, but I want to get all the stars first. Play as Luigi, huh? Cool. I'll just have to wait and see.
SlimSheldy said:
ive played as luigi and im concludin tht anyone wud rather play as mario anyday of the week!


Too true. Back during the NES days and early Super NES days, I was a big Luigi fan((But I hated that damn ending for Super Mario Bros 2)). Now, Luigi is just too much of a pansy.
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None of you guys really answered my question. Do you think Galaxy would sell just as well if it was Luigi instead of Mario?
KirbyPK said:
None of you guys really answered my question. Do you think Galaxy would sell just as well if it was Luigi instead of Mario?

Sorry, I'll spell it out for you. N O.

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