Hello everybody,
I think I have created a new challenge for either Black and White or Black and White 2.
I would like to interduce the " under-used challenge ". I tried it myself on Black and Black 2 and it was frightfully hard.
the rules are simple:
1) You need to nickname all you pokemon because I think that makes it more personal.
2) You need to use pokemon that you will not find in any teams so often( I am talking about in-game teams).
I will give a list of pokemon at the bottom.
3) If you are not able to beat a gym, you can catch the first pokemon you encounter on the route closest to the gym.
( I did not used this rule in my game because I could defeat every gym but it is just in case you can not.)
Note: You cannot use your starter so when you have your first team member you need to depposit him/her in the pc.
So those are the rules of my challenge, I hope you will enjoy the challenge as much as I did.
I am sorry for the bad English but I live in Belgium so I normally speak Dutch
List of underused pokemon Black and White
- Audino
- Watchog
- Liepard
- Musharna
- Basculin
- Emolga
- Garbodor
- Maractus
- Crustle
- Lilligant (White)/ Whimsicott (Black) Ps. you can trade them in Nacrene city
- Cinccino
- Cofagrigus
- Amoongus
- Stunfisk
- Durant
- Heatmor
- Swoobat
- Swanna (might be used some times in in-game teams)
- Throh and Sawk
- Beheeyem
- Klingklang
- Ferrothorn (Super strong with Rocky Helmet
- Crygonal
- Druddigon
- Bouffalant
List of under-used pokemon Black and White 2 ( keep in mind all of the above listed pokemon count as well in pokemon black and white 2)
- Sunflora
- Golduck ( too under rated it is an awesome pokemon
- Dunsparce
- Weezing
- Raticate
- Muk
- Delcatty(White 2)/ Lopunny( Black 2)
- Clefable
- Vespiqueen
- Castform( not reccomanded)
- Zangoose / Seviper
- Grumpig
- Drifblim
- Banette
- Pelipper
- Solrock
- Lunatone
- Absol
- Tangrowth
- Mantine
- Octillery
- Wailord
- Bronzong
- Delibird
- Dewgong
So that is a long list to pick from
But choose good because you need to beat every single gym, the elite four and N + Ghetsis (Back and White) or the champion Iris (Black and White 2).
My team for Black: (namingtheme: gym leaders and champions)
- Whitney (Audino) I did the first gym withe my starter because you cannot obtain audino before the first gym.
- Gary (Garbodor)
- Chuck (Basculin) I caught mine by learning Surf to Audino.
- Cynthia (Amoongus)
- Volkner (Emolga)
- Brock (Stunfisk)
My team for Black 2 (namingtheme: random)
- Psycho (Golduck)
- Mr. Sludge (Muk)
- Spaghetti (Tangrowth)
- Spook (Drifblim)
- Dingletron (Durant)
- JackieChan (Sawk)
So hope you have fun playing it.
I think I have created a new challenge for either Black and White or Black and White 2.
I would like to interduce the " under-used challenge ". I tried it myself on Black and Black 2 and it was frightfully hard.
the rules are simple:
1) You need to nickname all you pokemon because I think that makes it more personal.
2) You need to use pokemon that you will not find in any teams so often( I am talking about in-game teams).
I will give a list of pokemon at the bottom.
3) If you are not able to beat a gym, you can catch the first pokemon you encounter on the route closest to the gym.
( I did not used this rule in my game because I could defeat every gym but it is just in case you can not.)
Note: You cannot use your starter so when you have your first team member you need to depposit him/her in the pc.
So those are the rules of my challenge, I hope you will enjoy the challenge as much as I did.
I am sorry for the bad English but I live in Belgium so I normally speak Dutch
List of underused pokemon Black and White
- Audino
- Watchog
- Liepard
- Musharna
- Basculin
- Emolga
- Garbodor
- Maractus
- Crustle
- Lilligant (White)/ Whimsicott (Black) Ps. you can trade them in Nacrene city
- Cinccino
- Cofagrigus
- Amoongus
- Stunfisk
- Durant
- Heatmor
- Swoobat
- Swanna (might be used some times in in-game teams)
- Throh and Sawk
- Beheeyem
- Klingklang
- Ferrothorn (Super strong with Rocky Helmet
- Crygonal
- Druddigon
- Bouffalant
List of under-used pokemon Black and White 2 ( keep in mind all of the above listed pokemon count as well in pokemon black and white 2)
- Sunflora
- Golduck ( too under rated it is an awesome pokemon
- Dunsparce
- Weezing
- Raticate
- Muk
- Delcatty(White 2)/ Lopunny( Black 2)
- Clefable
- Vespiqueen
- Castform( not reccomanded)
- Zangoose / Seviper
- Grumpig
- Drifblim
- Banette
- Pelipper
- Solrock
- Lunatone
- Absol
- Tangrowth
- Mantine
- Octillery
- Wailord
- Bronzong
- Delibird
- Dewgong
So that is a long list to pick from
My team for Black: (namingtheme: gym leaders and champions)
- Whitney (Audino) I did the first gym withe my starter because you cannot obtain audino before the first gym.
- Gary (Garbodor)
- Chuck (Basculin) I caught mine by learning Surf to Audino.
- Cynthia (Amoongus)
- Volkner (Emolga)
- Brock (Stunfisk)
My team for Black 2 (namingtheme: random)
- Psycho (Golduck)
- Mr. Sludge (Muk)
- Spaghetti (Tangrowth)
- Spook (Drifblim)
- Dingletron (Durant)
- JackieChan (Sawk)
So hope you have fun playing it.