Super Hard Challenge ( Black and White (2))


WiiChat Member
Jun 24, 2013
Hello everybody,

I think I have created a new challenge for either Black and White or Black and White 2.
I would like to interduce the " under-used challenge ". I tried it myself on Black and Black 2 and it was frightfully hard.
the rules are simple:

1) You need to nickname all you pokemon because I think that makes it more personal.
2) You need to use pokemon that you will not find in any teams so often( I am talking about in-game teams).
I will give a list of pokemon at the bottom.
3) If you are not able to beat a gym, you can catch the first pokemon you encounter on the route closest to the gym.
( I did not used this rule in my game because I could defeat every gym but it is just in case you can not.)

Note: You cannot use your starter so when you have your first team member you need to depposit him/her in the pc.

So those are the rules of my challenge, I hope you will enjoy the challenge as much as I did.
I am sorry for the bad English but I live in Belgium so I normally speak Dutch :p .

List of underused pokemon Black and White
- Audino
- Watchog
- Liepard
- Musharna
- Basculin
- Emolga
- Garbodor
- Maractus
- Crustle
- Lilligant (White)/ Whimsicott (Black) Ps. you can trade them in Nacrene city
- Cinccino
- Cofagrigus
- Amoongus
- Stunfisk
- Durant
- Heatmor
- Swoobat
- Swanna (might be used some times in in-game teams)
- Throh and Sawk
- Beheeyem
- Klingklang
- Ferrothorn (Super strong with Rocky Helmet :p)
- Crygonal
- Druddigon
- Bouffalant

List of under-used pokemon Black and White 2 ( keep in mind all of the above listed pokemon count as well in pokemon black and white 2)
- Sunflora
- Golduck ( too under rated it is an awesome pokemon ;) )
- Dunsparce
- Weezing
- Raticate
- Muk
- Delcatty(White 2)/ Lopunny( Black 2)
- Clefable
- Vespiqueen
- Castform( not reccomanded)
- Zangoose / Seviper
- Grumpig
- Drifblim
- Banette
- Pelipper
- Solrock
- Lunatone
- Absol
- Tangrowth
- Mantine
- Octillery
- Wailord
- Bronzong
- Delibird
- Dewgong

So that is a long list to pick from :p But choose good because you need to beat every single gym, the elite four and N + Ghetsis (Back and White) or the champion Iris (Black and White 2).

My team for Black: (namingtheme: gym leaders and champions)

- Whitney (Audino) I did the first gym withe my starter because you cannot obtain audino before the first gym.
- Gary (Garbodor)
- Chuck (Basculin) I caught mine by learning Surf to Audino.
- Cynthia (Amoongus)
- Volkner (Emolga)
- Brock (Stunfisk)

My team for Black 2 (namingtheme: random)

- Psycho (Golduck)
- Mr. Sludge (Muk)
- Spaghetti (Tangrowth)
- Spook (Drifblim)
- Dingletron (Durant)
- JackieChan (Sawk)

So hope you have fun playing it. ;)
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Some of the pokemon that are listed might be used in teams and most of the times these pokemon are actually pretty good so there is a big chance some might already be in someones hall of fame members so yea :p
The issue I see with this Challenge; or at least, incorporating it into my Challenge thread; is that's it's not that difficult. Many of the Pokemon allowed are actually quite good. Musharna, Lilligant, Cincinno, Cofagrigus, Ammongus, Throh, Sawk, Ferrothorn, Druddigon, Zangoose, Absol, Tangrowth, and Bronzong are all useful in their own right. There're more Pokemon I could add to that list when considering you can breed them into an egg and not be forced to catch them very late in the game, such as Durant. In other words, the Challenge isn't necessarily challenging. It's more about usin' the underused monsters than being difficult.

That said, good effort for thinkin' up this (rather large) Challenge ruleset. It's better than most rulesets I hear of, so good on ya for that much. If you think up anythin' else, you should definitely throw the suggestion over to the official Challenge thread. I haven't added any new Challenges in awhile, so Arceus knows I could use somethin' fresh.

Oh, and your English ain't bad at all. It's great. Even better than a some of our own members who only speak English. :lol:

[STRIKE]You should rename that "Nick."[/STRIKE]

Don't encourage that Stunfisk fanboy...
Spelled Amoongus wrong, used semicolons incorrectly, and included an unnecessary "a" in that second-last sentence. :trollface:
Keyboard, incorrect, accidentally didn't delete it after restructuring sentence.

You're a **** grammar Nazi.
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  • #9
Well yea you are right there are some good pokemon but i took an extra challeging team especially against Ghetsis phooow that was hard but indeed if you pick the easier ones you wont have too much trubble beating the game :p

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