SUDA-51: I want No More Heroes sequel


Let There Be Rock
Oct 24, 2007
Wii Online Code
No More Heroes is due to go on sale exclusively for the Wii on January 22 in the US, and February 29 in the UK. But the creator of the game, Goichi Suda, isn't exactly resting on his laurels.

Suda told GameSpot that what he really wants to do now is to make a sequel. When asked what games he was working on right now, he laughed, "It's a secret!" Then he confessed, "Actually, I'm really willing to make a sequel version--and right now I'm asking if it can be made...I think No More Heroes is a great game, there's no other action game like it for the Wii. If it was a band, it would be really energetic, like the Arctic Monkeys."

Goichi Suda--or SUDA-51 (Go and Ichi mean Five and One in Japanese)--gave a talk at last year's Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, where he praised "punk"-style games, and said that he hated creating the same kind of games that other people do.

The Killer7 director is also currently working on porting two of his previously released titles in Japan to the DS--Flower, Sun and Rain, and Silver Case. As if this wasn't enough, he is also working on a "top secret" Xbox 360 project with Konami.

When asked about why the game was changed in the US to become gorier, whereas Europeans are to get the original Japanese version, he said that he made the decision because he thought pure action games went down better in Europe whereas the Americans liked their games ultraviolent. He said, "In the European and Japanese versions, there's more of an action style to the game. For instance, when you kill characters in this version of the game, the coins come out straight away... And the American market has more of a predilection to a more violent version. I don't want anyone to misunderstand--neither version is better. I love both versions."

For more information about the game, see GameSpot's hands-on preview of No More Heroes, and check back later in the week for the full interview with Goichi Suda, aka SUDA-51.

dude hell yes come out with a sequel. even if it duznt sell good because its rated M nd all the lil kids and seniors dont want it. there's still a good margin of hardcore gamers that need this kinda stuff. So giv it to us lol and No More Heroes is a "push in the right direction" for the Wii

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