Stupidest Thing You Have Done While Drunk

Hochiminh said:
I've never been drunk, and I'm 25!
Due to religion? either that or you are very good at holding off peer-pressure. i applaud you :)

hmmm worst thing.... probably attempt to climb on top of some create that was next to a ship but only fall over on my arse, that hurt, then i started splashing my friend with sea water :)

or this time i bumped into some big guy playing pool, and i said 'easy mate' and he smashed a pool cue over my back, that was a bit gay.
HA even though ii hate beer and what not i find all of your stories funny especially Lee's (lee your a weird guy)

my moddo is

dont drink dont do drugs and youll be Lee free
Gaz said:
Due to religion? either that or you are very good at holding off peer-pressure. i applaud you :)

hmmm worst thing.... probably attempt to climb on top of some create that was next to a ship but only fall over on my arse, that hurt, then i started splashing my friend with sea water :)

or this time i bumped into some big guy playing pool, and i said 'easy mate' and he smashed a pool cue over my back, that was a bit gay.
The second one. I don't let my peers push me around, yet my friends do drink and do other illegal drugs quite a bit. I'll never do any of that stuff. I haven't even took a sip of liquor since my bachelor's party back in 2002! Honestly.
paintba||er said:
I'm pretty good at not giving in to peer pressure, as I have never drank or done anything else I didn't want to because of peer pressure. But I'm usually the one that starts the all drinking.

yea well lets you try not togive into this

im selling a super Lee version called V3.3 which is not out yet

this is but free it costs 5 dollars (one cent for the lee part and 4.99 for me)

u cannot refuse
paintba||er said:
I'm pretty good at not giving in to peer pressure, as I have never drank or done anything else I didn't want to because of peer pressure. But I'm usually the one that starts the all drinking.

LOL I AM THE PEER PRESSURE!!! :lol: Just kidding. :scared: I never give in to peer pressure. Let's as stories go I got nothing. But I like Lee's story.
bubba-ga-nush said:
LOL I AM THE PEER PRESSURE!!! :lol: Just kidding. :scared: I never give in to peer pressure. Let's as stories go I got nothing. But I like Lee's story.
His story was great! I love hearing how others are drunk, but I don't drink myself. Does that make any sense?
ok well i jumped off my mates second story balcony onto his car as he was driving into his garage and bounced off his roof and down the hill beside his house into two pine trees and managed to stand up and yell oh hell yeah! after it all, no broken bones or anything! though i wish id had a video cam cause it would have been great on you tube lol

to sum up:
Alcohol + Balcony + Moving Car + Steep Hill + Trees = Oh Hell Yeah!
- Pushed my father down a hill in a pushchair.. then ran after him :/

- Stole some sign from a house from the council about it being rat infested

- Danced a lot outside a restaurant that played funky Spanish music

- Played the 'tongue' game

- Lol, actually met the boyf while I was drunk, but that was the best thing, not the stupidest ^_^

And the worst is probably this:

Told my best friends uncle I loved him then I blacked out coming home from my best mates companies x-mas party, then I got to her house and spewed over:

- Bed
- Bedroom Floor
- Bedroom Wall
- Landing Floor
- Landing Wall
- Bannister
- Bathroom Floor
- Bathroom Wall
- Bath
- Sink
- Toilet
- Some towels
- And almost over her Aunty who was on the toilet when they dragged me in there, she said I'd 'have a size 5 up my backside' if I was sick over her.

Worst state I've ever been in, was two x-mas's a go and I haven't got drunk since, it actually quite scared me.. I've drank the am amount I did in the party and have been fine before, but we had this x-mas dinner before we started drinking, and I think that was why I was sick, plus I didn't have a bite to eat all day before then :/

Ohh and now whenever I see her uncle he takes the piss out of me and gives me kisses to wind me up lol
oh jesus........i cant say the ultimate bad thing because its not exactly for people under the age of 18 :yikes:

ill try to do the "clean Version"

well 2 years ago on valentines day weekend, i went to virginia to my bfs grandmas 80th suprise bday party. his ENTIRE family was there from all across the globe pretty much (i think all of the philipines was there lol)

anyways there was so much food and so much alachol and the party didnt stop there. towards the end of the night, we all went back to my bfs cousins house where he brought out the shot glasses and a bottle of whiskey. i was sorta buzzing from the 3 beers i had at the party (not buzzing drunk but the nice buzz you get where youre so calm and dosile) so i thought whats another shot or 2 gunna do. well one or 2 led to about 5 in the course of an hour being there.

i motioned to my bf to get outta here cause i was already drunk. so we went back to our hotel room where all of the family was staying at (we had our own room). there, i proceeded to.....

get undressed, get into doggie possition and scremed "f*ck me in the @$$ like the dirty girl i really AAAAAAAAAAAAA.........

where i then fell off the bed! no one pushed me no one moved me NOTHING i jsut fell off the bed lmao.

and thats the funniest thing that has ever happend to me drunk. i had no rememberance of that until the next AM when my bf imitated me and told me what i did lmao :blush2:
The_Loose_Cannon said:
oh jesus........i cant say the ultimate bad thing because its not exactly for people under the age of 18 :yikes:

ill try to do the "clean Version"

well 2 years ago on valentines day weekend, i went to virginia to my bfs grandmas 80th suprise bday party. his ENTIRE family was there from all across the globe pretty much (i think all of the philipines was there lol)

anyways there was so much food and so much alachol and the party didnt stop there. towards the end of the night, we all went back to my bfs cousins house where he brought out the shot glasses and a bottle of whiskey. i was sorta buzzing from the 3 beers i had at the party (not buzzing drunk but the nice buzz you get where youre so calm and dosile) so i thought whats another shot or 2 gunna do. well one or 2 led to about 5 in the course of an hour being there.

i motioned to my bf to get outta here cause i was already drunk. so we went back to our hotel room where all of the family was staying at (we had our own room). there, i proceeded to.....

get undressed, get into doggie possition and scremed "f*ck me in the @$$ like the dirty girl i really AAAAAAAAAAAAA.........

where i then fell off the bed! no one pushed me no one moved me NOTHING i jsut fell off the bed lmao.

and thats the funniest thing that has ever happend to me drunk. i had no rememberance of that until the next AM when my bf imitated me and told me what i did lmao :blush2:
HA lmao
Last summer me and 2 mates went to the park with a bottle of JD (my best mate and a girl (really hawt)), as the alchohol kicked in the conversion went from "what Uni u wanna go to?" to "lets take our clothes off and shag the tree".

When it was my go it was about 1-2am, so pitch black. Anyway while I was using the tree as my ***** a torchlight shined on me from about 25metres way, it was 2 Policemen....

We all got arrested and had to get our 'rents pick us up from the station, we all had a laugh about it afterwards and my parents have never spoken of it since.