Stupid Guy Sues Microsoft for $5 Million Because Halo 3 Crashed His Xbox 360

He'd only get that kind of money if the disk flew out of his 360 and cut his arm off or something.. :p
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I might sue Micro soft
Reison - A xbox droped on my arm makeing it brake due to it being so big
I'm gonna sue Microsoft because my XBox 360 exploded due to overheating, causing my Windows Vista disk to catapult and decapitate my brother.

True story :lol:
I'm going to sue Microsoft because they think I have an "illegal" version of Windows XP Professional...


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RadNad said:
I'm going to sue Microsoft because they think I have an "illegal" version of Windows XP Professional...
This is a common problem.

There is a virus that changes the registry to make Windows think it is fake.

Google it, it's easy to fix it a long time ago..but downloaded it yesterday...and now it keeps saying

"you maybe a vctim of software counterfiting" :sik:
FRuMMaGe: This is not a virus since it would of been patched ages ago. (Had it for a very long time.)

iRAWR: It may be true...:shifty:

man that guy has some problems...just because it crashed your xbox it dosen't mean you have to sue