OP DBloke An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts Staff member Moderator May 30, 2006 19,544 119 Super Mancyland Wii Online Code 8041-7231-3447-6164 Sep 15, 2006 Thread Starter Thread starter #16 Exelent
S sasuke747 #1 Sonic Fan. Aug 1, 2006 659 1 England. Sep 15, 2006 #17 Do you have a Penguin Secret Assissnation Team aswell? If so What don't you have?
OP DBloke An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts Staff member Moderator May 30, 2006 19,544 119 Super Mancyland Wii Online Code 8041-7231-3447-6164 Sep 15, 2006 Thread Starter Thread starter #18 Prinnies not pengwins
S sasuke747 #1 Sonic Fan. Aug 1, 2006 659 1 England. Sep 15, 2006 #19 Wow, So you do have a Penguin*cough* sorry a prinny Assassination Team :O
ABC Banned Sep 15, 2006 1,618 1 NyC/Nj Wii Online Code 1929-2278-1848-3419 Sep 15, 2006 #20 There are two things that should never be talked about on a gaming forum... Religion and Politics. LoL
There are two things that should never be talked about on a gaming forum... Religion and Politics. LoL