Staying on this site


Real life Tayuya
Nov 8, 2007
Wii Online Code
for some reason i keep getting loged out after i post once or twice or if i go and read something on another site for a while i go to view this site again and im logged off

its pretty anoying is there something you can do?
When you first log into the site check the "remember me" button and it should keep you logged in. Also if you're using firefox a pop up should show up saying "do you want firefox to remember this password" if that happens to show up click on remember.
^I think they are referring to the fact that if you do nothing on WiiChat for a period of time (Its pretty short here, maybe 10 minutes?) it automatically logs you off. I commonly refresh my subscribed threads and it asks me to log in.

Then again, that might be what you are referring to as well, I had just assumed that it wouldn't be possible to change under your own personal settings.
This happened to me once...or something similar. I was logged out everytime I clicked a new section of the site. Try refreshing your browser or it might be that you don't have the 'Remember Me' selection selected. Make sure that is clicked and that will mostly guarnatee that you will stay logged on, unless you move to a new computer.

Hope that helps.

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