
Monsteroids said:
God, I just want Battlefront. Only good SW game I've played(that and Lego).

i think knights of the old republic was the best
KOTOR for wii

It could be cool fighting with ligthsabers but, i really hope they will make something like KOTOR (Knights of the old republic) for the wii, with a deep story line.
This would also be nice to be able to use the force in this hopefuly furture game.

I cant wait for a game like that it would be so cool.

or they should make a game where you can play 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 in a Jedi, Sith battle....
299792458 said:
It could be cool fighting with ligthsabers but, i really hope they will make something like KOTOR (Knights of the old republic) for the wii, with a deep story line.
This would also be nice to be able to use the force in this hopefuly furture game.

I cant wait for a game like that it would be so cool.

or they should make a game where you can play 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 in a Jedi, Sith battle....

i feel u on it all
KOTOR for the wii would be interesting. Maybe a dumbed down version of D&D rules on a game engine like TP (hopefully with slightly improved graphic, more NPC interaction etc.)
I liked Battlefront because it didn't seem like a fanfic(I HATE FANFICS!!) It had fun redeeming qualities(Flying, nicely done levels, jedi fun, FPS or 3rdPS, fun play modes, awesome options customizing). I want the kind of StarWars game that delivers lots of action on the original story or you can set up awesome level battles!! I loved Battlefront. Why can't Wii and Nintendo deliver this?
light saber for wii

If they do intend to make a Star Wars game for the Wii it could be nice to see all of the light saber types in it, single blade, dual blade, and two light saber.
Of course the single blade will just be the wii remote and maybe a nunchuck for using the force.
Two light sabers might be two Wii remotes - one for each hand. Force might be used through Wii remotes.
But what about a dual blade light saber? I think they will make a case for two Wii remotes so you can make a dual light saber.
Of course these are just thoughts about a game that every Star Wars fan/nerd is waiting for.

Another thing is how will the force work?
Will they enable one to use "force speed" witch has been in both KOTOR and Jedi Knight, but in the computer game they speed up one's time so the game play goes faster.
I don’t think this would be practical for the Wii. Instead they might use bullet time or some thing like that.
Of course most other force effects are more based on damage, healing, protection and so on.

Another thing I also would like to see is a large selection of light saber colors.

I think KOTOR would be best, since it’s a role playing game, and not first person shooter, like star wars knights.
KOTOR 3 for wii would rule…
Try reading about the thoughts other people have about KOTOR 3 and combine it with the Wii and imagine the possibilities.

Please reply with your thoughts on this matter.

And to all of those who don’t want to use the Wii remote as a light saber: Stick with COD3 or something else... The Wii was made for a light saber combat!
If they do have one. I don't want it to be a game like Redsteel. Not saying that it is a bad game, but it will get kind of boring.